The 5 highest paid races in Mexico: salaries range from 17,000 to 14,000 pesos

This information will be very useful for people who are just a few days away from starting their university studies.

262 / 5000
Resultados de traducción
262 / 5000 Resultados de traducción Los trabajadores de la construcción trabajan en su lugar de trabajo durante el primer día de la reapertura gradual de la economía del país para las industrias "esenciales", mientras continúa el brote de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) en Ciudad de México, México, el 1 de junio de 2020. REUTERS / Edgard Garrido/ Foto de archivo

From one to 10 races are positioned in Mexico as the best paid, according to the analysis carried out by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO) in 2021. Data that will be of the greatest interest or use to all those who are a few days away from starting their university career.

In this sense, here we will present at least 5 careers considered to be among the best when receiving monthly pay in the country, since it will depend on the average salary of each of them, as well as the unemployment rate that is seen to date and the average employment rate nationwide.

What are the top 5 races?

1.- Medicine

According to the statistics presented by IMCO, the average salary for this professional career is approximately 17,800.

In addition, the quality of investment in case of studying at a public university is excellent.

In terms of employment status, the employment rate is 97.9%. While the unemployment rate is only 21%.

A worker inspects wire rod in a factory. (Photo: Archive/Reuters)

2.- Finance, banking and insurance

The estimated salary for the more than 89,000 people who have studied this career is 17,000 pesos.

The employment rate at the national level is 92.2%. As for the unemployment rate it is 7.8%.

The sectors in which they operate or provide their services are: manufacturing industries, educational services, trade, among others.

3.- Construction and civil engineering

The salary considered in this race is 14 thousand 800. According to last year's data, more than 300 thousand people studied in this field.

Their employment status marks an unemployment rate of 7.0% and 93% employment to date.

The areas in which they work, related to this career are: construction, government activities, manufacturing industries, industries, among others.

A man works in a research laboratory. (Photo: Archive/EFE)

4.- Mechanical engineering and metallurgy

The average salary is approximately 14 thousand 400. It is estimated that 360 thousand 587 people were studied.

People who have completed their academic activities work in areas such as educational services, construction or trade.

The unemployment rate is approximately 6.5% and the employment figure is 93% to date.

5.- Information and communication technology

In this case, the salary contemplated is up to 14,400 pesos. According to the data, more than 393 thousand people studied.

The sectors in which they work are: professional, scientific and technical services, manufacturing industries, retail trade, among others.

For its part, IMCO reported that two years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico, about eight states still lag behind in recovery of formal jobs registered with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

According to its March Labor Market report, Mexico City, Puebla, Veracruz, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Oaxaca, Guerrero and Michoacán showed lower levels (in terms of job recovery) than before the start of the pandemic.