MTC will deliver 1,500 brevets this Saturday 25th to lagging drivers on an extraordinary day

Drivers who had scheduled appointments for January, February and March 2022 will be able to pick up their driver's license on Saturday, March 26.


The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) seeks to provide facilities to drivers who, for various reasons, were unable to pick up the brief on the dates scheduled. To this end, he has arranged an extraordinary day of care for the stragglers. This applies to obtaining the physical driver's license, in case those who could not pick it up on the established date, you have the opportunity to receive the document this Saturday, March 26 at the venue you chose for the appointment.

In this way, those who had an appointment scheduled for January, February and March 2022 will be able to pick up their license this Saturday 26 at the licensing headquarters of Cercado de Lima (jirón Antenor Orrego No. 1923) and at the headquarters of Lince (Trinidad Morán Avenue No. 604). The opening hours will be from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Lagging users will also be able to pick up the document at the Best Citizen Services (MAC) centers of Lima Sur (Open Plaza Shopping Center) and Lima Este (Agustino Plaza Shopping Center) from 8:00 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.

The MTC reiterates that the collection of the physical driver's license on this extra day can only be done at the venue that was chosen for the appointment at the beginning of the procedure.


The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) approved the Schedule for the Integration of Class B Driver's Licenses into the National Driver System by the provincial municipalities.

In accordance with Directorial Resolution No. 004-2022-MTC/18, published in the Special Edition of the Bulletin of Legal Standards, provincial municipalities that have fulfilled certain activities within the process of integrating Class B licenses into the National Driver System will continue with the activity that they are it is appropriate to implement according to the approved schedule.

Thus, according to the schedule, applications for access to the registration system of historical information for class B driver's licenses to the SNC can be made in all municipalities until June 3 of this year.

Similarly, the recording of historical information of Class B driver's licenses to the SNC, issued prior to the deadline of their integration; and final update of access for users operating the SNC-B system may be carried out until July 1.

Finally, the integration and implementation of the SNC-B system will be possible in all municipalities until July 4 of this year.

