Government held FARC dissidents responsible for the murder of Nasa indigenous people and asked the Prosecutor's Office to prioritize the investigation

The statement, issued through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also sets out the results obtained so far after several investigations into these crimes

Foto de archivo. Indígenas de la tribu Nasa asisten al funeral de Albeiro Camayo, excoordinador regional de la Guardia Nacional Indígena, asesinado por disidentes de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), según la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN), en Mondomo, Colombia, 27 de enero, 2022. REUTERS/Juan B Diaz NO REVENTAS NO ARCHIVO
Foto de archivo. Indígenas de la tribu Nasa asisten al funeral de Albeiro Camayo, excoordinador regional de la Guardia Nacional Indígena, asesinado por disidentes de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), según la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN), en Mondomo, Colombia, 27 de enero, 2022. REUTERS/Juan B Diaz NO REVENTAS NO ARCHIVO

The National Government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, emphatically condemned the various homicides of the indigenous people of the Nasa community in the department of Cauca. Faced with this situation, the government has indicated that it rejects any type of violent action that directly damages and violates the rights of indigenous communities, since it is emphasized that they are protected by the State, defining that they are social niches are guaranteed thanks to institutional efforts. Among the murders highlighted in this statement is that of the young environmentalist Breiner David Cucuñame López, in the municipality of Buenos Aires, Cauca.

The Foreign Ministry points out that all indigenous peoples have the support of constitutional recognition and protection, this in order to guarantee their mobility and presence in the territory, a situation protected by the rights established in the Political Constitution of Colombia, bearing in mind that: “Colombia recognizes and protects the ethnic and cultural diversity of the nation as a whole”, according to article seven of the country's magna carta.

In the statement, the Foreign Ministry said: “The Colombian State strongly, firmly and unequivocally rejects any act of violence against defenders, youth and social and environmental leaders. The Government emphasizes that indigenous peoples and communities enjoy constitutional protection and recognition and reiterates that ensuring the effective enjoyment of their rights is a priority subject supported by many institutional efforts.” .

The National Government indicates that they have carried out a timely mobilization for the attention of these crimes, through the judicial authorities and investigative bodies that have arrived in the territory, however, the call for attention is made and the Prosecutor's Office is requested to assume the investigation of these incidents with high priority, since are constantly violating these communities.

Meanwhile, progress was made in the investigation of the murder of Guillermo Chicame Ipia and Breiner David Cucuñame López, in the rural area of the municipality of Buenos Aires, Cauca, according to the first data collection and follow-up work on evidentiary material, who would be behind this crime would be members of groups of the FARC, attached to the Jaime Martínez structure, which operates in the department of Cauca and much of the Colombian Pacific.

The Attorney General's Office, I can also determine that behind the assassination of indigenous and community leader José Albeiro Camayo Guetió, would be such a structure, as a result of the investigations carried out, the main actors of the crime were already apprehended, among those captured would be a minor, who would also have participated in the murder of young David Cucuñame López. According to the judiciary, the crimes for which those involved would answer would be: concert to commit crimes, aggravated homicide, manufacturing, trafficking and carrying firearms or ammunition for private use, manufacturing and carrying firearms for personal defence, and illegal use of uniforms and insignia.

The Government clearly stated that it is working together to combat these acts, guaranteeing the rights of communities. The statement emphasized: “The Colombian State will continue to firmly combat these criminal structures in order to weaken their action, neutralize their leaders and block their sources of funding. Similarly, and in order to prevent similar attacks, the full institution will continue to implement the relevant policies and measures to ensure the protection of children and adolescents, as well as human rights defenders and social leaders.” .

The assassination of Breiner David Cucuñame was recorded on January 14, 2022, however, this is the first official statement of rejection of these events by the National Government, because, although on previous occasions they have indicated that such events violate the legitimacy of indigenous communities, so far there had not been made a strong criticism that also highlighted the results of the investigations.

