COVID-19: Peru records 403 new cases and 19 deaths in the last 24 hours

Peru is in the third wave despite having applied more than 66 million doses against the coronavirus.

FOTO DE ARCHIVO. La gente camina en una calle llena de gente mientras los nuevos casos de la enfermedad del coronavirus (COVID-19), impulsada por la variante Omicron, están aumentando, en Lima, Perú el 12 de enero de 2022. Foto tomada el 12 de enero de 2022. REUTERS/Angela Ponce
FOTO DE ARCHIVO. La gente camina en una calle llena de gente mientras los nuevos casos de la enfermedad del coronavirus (COVID-19), impulsada por la variante Omicron, están aumentando, en Lima, Perú el 12 de enero de 2022. Foto tomada el 12 de enero de 2022. REUTERS/Angela Ponce

Coronavirus continues to attack. Peru continues to increase the number of positives and this can be seen after the latest report issued by the Ministry of Health, which until 22:00 p.m. on March 23, 2022 confirmed the appearance of 403 new infected with COVID-19 in the country.

The figure mentioned corresponds only to last Wednesday and the number of deaths on the same day is 19 in total.

According to the statement issued by Minsa and the COVID-19 Situational Room, there is an increase in discard tests carried out, along with the increase in positive cases in the country. This is the information collected from the start of the pandemic until March 23, 2022.

- People sampled 28 million 399,228

- Negative results 24 million 855,438

- Confirmed cases 3 million 543,790

This is the situation of #COVID19 in Peru until 22:00 hours on March 23
This is the situation of #COVID19 in Peru until 22:00 hours on March 23

Regarding the cases confirmed last Wednesday, the following information is obtained:

- People sampled 48,593

- Confirmed cases 403


Minsa confirmed that Peru is in a third wave and this is due to the number of infections the country has had in recent weeks. In the case of hospitalized patients, it was found that there are a total of 1401 hospitalized patients due to COVID-19.

For patients with critical health, the figure is 527 in total. These are in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with mechanical ventilation.

In addition, in the report issued by the official health entity, it is verified that to date there are 3 million 575, 732 people who have overcome the disease, and were discharged from medical care in a health facility or completed a period of home isolation.

Another figure to consider is the number of people who were discharged last Thursday, which totals 148 in total.


The number of deaths in the country to date is 212,022 in total and despite the number of deaths, it is estimated that this third wave will not mass deaths and only remain in contagion; however, we must not let our guard down and continue with health measures in order to avoid contagion.

Update on COVID-19 Vaccination in Peru

According to MINSA, as of 17:45 p.m. on March 24, 2022, a total of 66′366′743 doses applied against COVID-19 have been applied.

This is the situation of vaccination against #COVID19 in Peru until 5:45 p.m. on March 24.
This is the situation of vaccination against #COVID19 in Peru until 5:45 p.m. on March 24.

However, 12′051′210 are immunized with the booster dose, which leads to a 69.33 per cent increase in booster doses in the vulnerable population.

These figures show that 43.12% are vaccinated with booster doses of the general population.

