Colombian Navy and Brazilian Police seize more than a ton of marijuana

The shipment would be valued at $2.5 billion pesos


During a joint operation by the Colombian National Navy and the Brazilian Federal Police on the Negro River, at the height of the village of Moura in Brazil, they managed to seize 1,121 kilograms of creepy marijuana, which would be valued at approximately $2.5 billion pesos.

Thanks to information provided by Colombian Navy Intelligence to the Brazilian Specialized Intelligence Agencies, it was possible to intercept the motor ship in the Pueblo de Moura sector (Brazil), in order to carry out an inspection, finding the marijuana hidden in a double-bottomed structure inside it.

According to intelligence from the Colombian Navy, La Familia del Norte and Comando Vermelho are linked to the Residual Organized Armed Group GAO-r 'Carolina Ramírez' in order to guard the drugs during its transit through Colombian territory, preventing other drug trafficking structures from stealing them in areas bordering Brazil.

Three men were also captured, two of Colombian nationality and one Brazilian, who were moving from Colombian territory in a boat over the Caquetá River towards the strategic point of La Pedrera (Amazon), where the border with Brazil begins, in order to take the Negro River route.

On March 23, the National Army announced that, in the course of joint and coordinated military operations with the Navy and the Police, three illegal warehouses were located in different areas of the department of Putumayo.

In the proceedings, explosives, weapons and quartermaster were found, material intended to violate the integrity of the civilian population and the security forces.

In turn, the newspaper El Tiempo reported that according to the commander of the Sixth Army Division, General Fredy Marlon Coy Villamil, the material would belong to the 48th front that works in alliance with the Second Marquetalia, Residual Organized Armed Group (GAO-r) led by alias Ivan Márquez.

“The first result was in the village of El Espinal, a rural area of the municipality of San Miguel. There the troops found 443 kilograms of ANFO-type explosive packed in sacks. According to experts, with this material terrorists would have been able to manufacture more than 500 explosive devices, including anti-personnel mines, which would be used in terrorist actions against the civilian population, the security forces or the oil infrastructure of the region,” the National Army explained in a statement and similarly stated that the material was destroyed in a controlled manner by the soldiers of the National Army Explosives and Demolitions Group.

Similarly, another operation was carried out in the village of Piñuña Negro, municipality of Puerto Leguízamo on the border with Puerto Asís, where 22 rifles, a grenade launcher, 73 suppliers, more than 4,900 units of ammunition of different calibers, 13 grenades, quartermaster and communications equipment were seized, as well as garments for private use of the Military Forces.

Finally, in Nueva Granada, municipality of Puerto Asís, the third illegal warehouse of the GAO-r E-48 was located. There were found 2 pistols, 4 suppliers, 70 units of ammunition and 4 machine-gun sight posts, as well as 250 grams of pentolite, with 44 containers for the manufacture of improvised explosive devices and 3 detonators, which would be used to attack troops that are carrying out military operations in this area of the Colombian Amazon.

“This material would be in charge of alias La Araña or 'Andrés' and alias Barbas', chiefs of dissidents, classified as high-value targets by the Public Force,” commander Coy Villamil explained in the national media.