Alias Nicholas, second in command of the Gulf clan, was extradited to the United States

His transfer took place this Friday, after the Supreme Court denied a guardianship that sought to stop his extradition


In recent hours there was another severe blow to the criminal gang of the Gulf Clan, after Colombian authorities confirmed the extradition of Carlos Antonio Moreno Tuberquía, alias Nicolás, who was second in command of that criminal structure.

The criminal was the successor of Dairo Antonio Úsuga, alias' Otoniel ', who was captured during 2021 by the country's public forces. Along these lines, on the morning of this Friday, March 25, at the Catam airbase, the transfer of Nicholas began, requested by the courts of New York and Miami, in the United States.

Carlos Mario Tuberquia Moreno, alias Nicolás, fell in the late hours of Sunday in Antioquia

This procedure began on the same day that the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice rejected the guardianship that the subject's defense filed to prevent his extradition to United States territory. It should be noted that this procedure was initiated by the same president of Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez.

“The Court denies guardianship that asked to suspend the extradition of Carlos Antonio Moreno Tuberquia, a former member of the Gulf Clan. Guardianship is a subsidiary mechanism and actors have other suitable avenues to defend their interests,” said the high court.

On the other hand, the Court announced that the criminal will have “the possibility of going to the administrative contentious jurisdiction to present his arguments there, request a precautionary measure, and request the nullity of restoration of the right of the administrative act that ordered the extradition,” he said.

The crimes for which Nicholas was extradited have to do with the crimes of concert to commit an aggravated crime and trafficking, manufacturing or carrying narcotics. For this reason, the United States Government, through verbal votes, requested “provisional detention for the purpose of extradition” of alias 'Nicolás.

In fact, this decision has been legalized since 2018. “With his extradition, we ratified our cooperation with allied countries in the fight against this scourge, which has claimed thousands of lives in Colombia and the world,” President Iván Duque said at the time through his Twitter account.

The story of the guardianship that was denied to the individual began on November 25 when the same chamber of the Court issued a 69-page concept approving the request submitted by the United States Government regarding the extradition of alias Nicolás to answer for the crime of drug trafficking before the justice of this country.

However, as already mentioned, it was denied today, when he was extradited to the United States, after he was arrested on August 5, 2018 in an operation articulated between the Anti-Narcotics Police and the Attorney General's Office in the municipality of San Rafael, department of Antioquia. The man had ten arrest warrants against him for the crimes of enforced disappearance, displacement, financing of terrorism, aggravated homicide and drug trafficking.

It should be noted that, in addition to the decision of the Colombian State, on February 23 of this year, the resignation of the second in command of the Gulf Clan before the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) was announced. There, Moreno Tuberquia told the magistrates that his intention in submitting to the Peace Court has never been to use it to protect himself from extradition, so he withdrew the request.

“I express my intention to waive the constitutional guarantee of non-extradition, in the event that jurisdiction is accepted by the jurisdiction, it is not in my interest to avoid the extradition request that is against me with respect to the procedure that takes place in this jurisdiction” the article reads.