What is it and how is the Hay'ya Card obtained: the document needed to access the stadiums in the Qatar World Cup

Also known as Fan ID, processing can begin once the visitor has paid for their tickets and has the application number in their possession




Expectations for the next World Cup to be held between November and December in Qatar are just beginning to grow. With the draw for the group stage scheduled for April 1, the organizing country hopes that this date will be a turning point when it comes to receiving applications for fans planning to attend the top football event to start processing their Fan ID or locally known as the Hay'ya Card to be able to enter the stadiums.

The function that the card will have will be fully accessible. You will need to present along with your entry to the match in order to enter without any hassle. In addition, it also gives you easy access to public transport during your stay in Qatar that will include free bus and metro rides on event days. The first test that took place during the FIFA Arab Cup that had Fan ID as an optional was considered a success and became a strong necessity for the next World Cup.

A statement was published on the official website of the body that regulates sports, confirming the need to process the document in question. “Once they have paid their tickets, fans will be able to book the accommodation and request their Hay'ya card, which will also serve as a permit to enter Qatar for international fans travelling to the tournament. All spectators, regardless of whether they are residents of Qatar or foreigners, will need the Hay'ya card along with the match ticket to access the stadium,” the letter explained.

As in the FIFA Arab Cup, the Hay'ya Card will grant access to public transport (Photo: Reuters)

The members who led the project for fans explained during the recent continental contest that Algeria had as champion the need for a Fan ID. “We have named it Hay'ya which means' Let's go 'in Arabic. We are sure it will provide a better fan experience,” Khalid Ali Al-Mawlawi explained at a press conference. He added: “The Arab Cup was a great opportunity where fans enjoyed football without worries. With the Hay'ya Card, they will be able to access many privileges such as traveling by metro, which will make their tournament experience a memorable one.”

All fans must have an approved Hay'ya Card (Fan ID) application number to enter Qatar State and FIFA World Cup stadiums. It should be clarified that the document will be used as a smart technology identification card designed to provide fans with the best experience in Qatar and will serve as a means of identification and access to the various venues of the tournament.

Fans traveling from abroad can use their Hay'ya (Fan ID) card to enter Qatar multiple times, provided they have a valid passport recognized by the State of Qatar. It will also make it easier for ticket holders to access a range of services and advantages related to transport, tourism and others. Fans must apply for it once they have paid for their tickets to the match and have their ticket application number by email. Fan ID applications can be submitted online through the host country entry portal website (Fac21.qa).


