Video: Sergio Fajardo broke the cover of Semana Magazine with the faces of Gustavo Petro and Federico Gutiérrez

“The comeback started,” said the presidential candidate for the Centro Esperanza Coalition


This Wednesday, the presidential candidate for the Centro Esperanza Coalition, Sergio Fajardo, released a new video promoting his campaign, after being elected in the interparty consultation on March 13 as the aspirant of the sectors related to the center to the Casa de Nariño.

That video, published on his social networks, the former governor of Antioquia begins with the cover -in giant size- of the most recent edition of Semana Magazine, which includes the faces of Gustavo Petro and Federico Gutiérrez, the candidates who are currently leading the polls (although the former mayor of Bogotá by far) of intention to vote for the first round.

That side of the printed edition is titled “Petro or Fico? , referring to the fact that both candidates for the presidency are leading the political debate and the polls conducted in recent weeks. Then, Fajardo appears behind the cover and breaks it in half with a gesture similar to that of opening a curtain. Afterwards, he looked into the camera and exclaimed “This is not so”, claiming later that there are more candidates than those named by that medium.

“We are in the first round and they want you to believe that you no longer have options. Colombia wants change and we are responsible change,” said the fellow presidential candidate in 2018. He also warned in the video that he would beat both candidates even in the first round.

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“We are going to defeat populism and that of Petro, and we are going to close the cycle of uribismo-duchism that wants to be re-elected in Fico,” Fajardo said, “and by the way he launched himself against the current government, focusing on the cases of corruption discovered and unemployment, the product of the companies that closed in the middle of the emergency economic situation by the pandemic.

“We don't forget the insecurity in the fields and on the streets. No! We're not going to re-elect them. Colombia wants change,” the former mayor of Medellín also emphasized.

Finally, he invited Colombians to “choose without anger, without fear” and in the trill where he published it, he added that “We are the alternative of change with enthusiasm, with education, jobs, security. Far from everything goes and alliances with the same ones as always”, even, he wrote that “the comeback started”.

On the other hand, Gustavo Petro has been another candidate with a high movement on his social networks, especially Twitter; and despite not publishing a video in the style of Fajardo, it did generate discussion throughout Tuesday for two reasons: the first, related to the election of Francia Márquez as his vice-presidential formula, and second , several messages addressed to the Liberal Party and its leader, César Gaviria, after it has questioned part of the discourse of the environmental and social leader.

“I am very sorry that the historical pact thinks that its incendiary language is something that we Colombians can celebrate,” the head of that collective said in a statement. In response, the candidate for the Historical Pact said that “We recognize in Cesar Gaviria the person in whom the Liberal Party has appointed its spokesperson We hope that liberalism will prepare itself on the path of reforms needed by Colombia”, and then wrote, on that same triune, a strong message regarding a possible alliance with Federico Gutierrez.

In Gustavo Petro's first triune, he acknowledged the importance of César Gaviria within the Liberal Party, but questioned his possible approaches to Federico Gutiérrez
PHOTO: Via Twitter (@petrogustavo)
In Gustavo Petro's first triune, he acknowledged the importance of César Gaviria within the Liberal Party, but questioned his possible approaches to Federico Gutiérrez PHOTO: Via Twitter (@petrogustavo)

