They ask that AMLO's birthday be a national holiday; he didn't collect even 200 signatures in four months
In Mexico, the only birthday celebrated in this way is that of Benito Juárez, president who was in the War of Reformation and in the war encounters against France
Por Newsroom Infobae
24 Mar, 2022 06:38 p.m. EST
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 30NOVIEMBRE2021.- Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidente de México, en compañía del gabinete de Seguridad y Salud conformados por: Luis Cresencio Sandoval, secretario de la Defensa Nacional; Rafael Ojeda Durán, secretario de Marina, Luis Rodríguez Bucio, comandante de la Guardia Nacional y Rosa Icela Rodríguez, secretaria de Seguridad Pública y Atención Ciudadana, así como Jorge Alcocer, secretario de Salud; Hugo López-Gatell, subsecretario de Prevención y Promoción a la Salud y el secretario de Relaciones Exteriores Marcelo Ebrard, encabezaron la conferencia de prensa en el Antiguo Palacio Virreinal, sede del gobierno capitalino. Las y los funcionarios dieron cifras en materia de seguridad y acciones para combatir los delitos en la capital del país, así como el informe sobre el trato que ha tenido la pandemia por Covid-19 y su respectiva vacunación.
The popularity of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) is notoriously prominent among his predecessors, as the large number of supporters he has gathered brought him to the National Palace with more than 30 million votes (the most voted in Mexican history); however, there are enthusiasts who place the current president as a national historical icon compared only to the heroes of the homeland.
They ask that AMLO's birthday be a national rest (Photo:
So this Thursday, a request that has been on the internet for about four months became popular, as a petition began circulating on social networks on “Make November 13 official as a day of rest, to celebrate AMLO's birthday”; however, this idea has not had success, since only 198 signatures had been collected during that period.