These are the couples of the candidates for the presidency of Colombia

The figure of first lady does not have a specific function, however, it is related to actions focused on humanitarian aid, health and education


On May 29, the candidates who will go to a presidential runoff will be defined, so that on July 20 the one chosen by the Colombians will take the reins of the country; together with the winner, his family will arrive at the Casa de Nariño, in the case of the couple of the candidates will be recognized as first lady, who does not have functions specific within government cabinets, usually assumes actions focused on humanitarian aid, health and education.

In the case of María Juliana Ruíz, wife of President Iván Duque, who is a lawyer, she has led various social projects, including the Grand Alliance for Nutrition, an initiative that aims to mitigate the impact of child malnutrition in the country and projects related to the empowerment of women.

Now after learning that the president of Uribism has only a few days left before the end of his time as national leadership, here are some of the candidates who could be Ruiz's successors.

We started with Angela Maria Olguín, the current partner of the presidential candidate of the Centro Esperanza Coalition, Sergio Fajardo. Olguín, before being known for her relationship with Fajardo, has built a great career in professional life and that gave her the opportunity to be Chancellor for the Government of Juan Manuel Santos.

Academically trained, she is an expert political scientist in international relations. Holguín, in addition to being part of Santos's cabinet during his eight years in office, coordinated the Non-Aligned Movement (NOAL) Summit in 1995 in Cartagena de Indias, was secretary general of the Foreign Ministry and deputy foreign minister during the administration of Ernesto Samper (1994-1998). Ambassador of Colombia to Venezuela, Ambassador of Colombia to the United Nations (UN) between 2004 and 2005.

Former Colombian Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin. EFE/Carlos Ortega

Another woman who could arrive at Casa de Nariño is Verónica Alcocer García, the wife of Gustavo Petro, the candidate of Historical Pact and who has scored in the polls. Alcocer is from Sincelejo, in a household with right-wing political ideology, his father is an admirer and shared the ideas of Álvaro Gómez Hurtado. However, she has a different vision of the country. Although he studied law, he never finished it because he realized that his passion and vocation was art. Nowadays, she is even one of the great drivers of Colombian fashion.

Woman in costume. Three baby dolls are sewn on his shoulders. His back has long yellow balloons.
Verónica Alcocer paraded in strange disguise at the January 20th parties.

On the other hand there is Margarita Gómez Marín, the wife of the Colombian Team candidate Federico Gutiérrez who has been with her husband for 20 years of marriage and with whom she has two children. She is a civil engineer at the University of Medellín, like her husband, in addition, she has a specialization in marketing and worked in different entities in the private sector although she is currently focused on her home.

Gómez became known since her husband was leading the mayor's office of Medellín and was social manager, she also led the 'Weaving Households' program, which sought to strengthen the ties of families and prevent child abuse.

Margarita Gomez Marin

Another of the women who accompanies her husband's campaign for president is Socorro Olivero, Rodolfo Hernández's partner, there is not much information about her but she has studies in interior design and worked at HG Constructora 20 years ago, a company where her son Luis Carlos Hernández also works.

Socorro Oliveros

