The drama of the three brothers who were victims of the tragic accident on the school route in Santander

The latest versions of the authority have indicated that the bus that overturned in the municipality of San Andrés, due to mechanical failures, the Superintendency of Transport indicated that the vehicle had already finished its useful cycle


Last Tuesday, March 22, when a school route was moving from the Laguna Ortices Educational Institution, he suffered a serious accident. In the municipality of San Andrés, it ended up capsizing and leaving a regrettable toll of 6 minors dead and 16 injured.

One of the saddest cases is of a family who lost one of their children in the accident and has two others injured. This was reported by the governor of Santander, who indicated that three brothers were transported on the route who arrived alive at the municipal health center of San Andrés, but due to the complication of the injuries one of the minors died.

“These are painful cases,” said the governor, notably affected, one of the minors due to the injuries had to be transferred to Malaga to receive hospital care.

The governor of Santander also indicated that the roads were in good condition, so the condition of the road was ruled out as the cause of the accident and indicated that the alleged faults would have been the bus that mobilized the students.

At the moment, the Attorney General's Office and designated investigative groups are clarifying the information to reach the cause of the tragic accident that ended the lives of six minors and left another sixteen injured.

In a press release published on Wednesday, the Superintendency of Transport ruled on the accident of the bus that provided the school route service and fell into an abyss in the rural area of San Andrés, in the department of Santander, on Tuesday, March 22.

The surveillance entity regretted the incident that left 6 minors dead and 16 people injured, including the driver. In addition, the Supertransport reported some preliminary details they know about the wrecked vehicle.

For example, the crashed bus was a 1998 model Chevrolet with a capacity for thirty passengers. The age of the vehicle already represents the first irregularity: Decree 348 of 2015, which regulates the special transport service, states that vehicles with white license plates cannot be more than 20 years old.

If vehicles are engaged in special transport, the service life is reduced to fifteen years. After that time, the bus must be scrapped and the Ministry of Transport can replace it with one with similar characteristics but with a suitable age. However, the crashed bus was 24 years old and was assigned to children in this rural area.

Secondly, the bus did not have a valid operating card. This document is issued when a special service vehicle is linked to a legal transport company and meets all the requirements to operate. With the absence of this card, it goes without saying that the SRY939 plate bus was not linked to any transport company.

In addition, the vehicle's history shows that it had already been involved in three traffic accidents, which occurred in 2007 and 2008. In any case, the bus did have a technical-mechanical review, SOAT and policies up to date.

Finally, the Supertransport warned that local authorities will be responsible for carrying out investigations and determining responsibility for the fatal accident.

A bus that provided the school route service suffered a tragic accident with dozens of children on board, as it crossed the Alto de San Pedro, sector of the Laguna de Ortices, in a rural area of the municipality of San Andrés (Santander).

This was the first day of operation of the school route for students of the La Laguna de Ortices Institute, attached to the municipality. When the accident occurred, 25 children and five adults were making the return journey, at one o'clock in the afternoon of this Tuesday, March 22, on the Malaga road.

