Jalisco: Five Tlaquepaque police officers arrested for forced disappearance

The officers of the municipal police station are investigated for their alleged responsibility in a case that occurred two years ago

GUADALAJARA, JALISCO, 19ABRIL2021.- Esta mañana en la colonia Chapalita se registró un enfrentamiento entre policías municipales y civiles armados, esto mientras los uniformados atendían un reporte de personas privadas de la libertad, lo que dejo como saldo preliminar al menos dos personas fallecidas y una mas herida de gravedad. FOTO: FERNANDO CARRANZA GARCIA / CUARTOSCURO.COM

Agents of the Jalisco Public Prosecutor's Office arrested five police officers from San Pedro Tlaquepaque, who are accused of the crime of enforced disappearance against a man from the same municipality.

According to the authorities' report, these are Osvaldo Alejandro G., Alejandro E., César Ubaldo M., with the appointment of online police officers, as well as Rafael Francisco B. and Roberto G, who were captured by judicial order issued by the Judge of Control and Orality.

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