Former Senator Eduardo Pulgar was rushed to a clinic in Barranquilla

The Penitentiary and Prison Institute, Inpec, reported that the former congressman, prosecuted for influence-trafficking, had had complications with blood pressure, for which he was taken to the La Misericordia clinic in Barranquilla


Information provided to the media by the authority mentioned that the former senator of the U Eduardo Pulgar, had to be taken to the La Misericordia clinic in the city of Barranquilla, apparently he was presenting with heart and blood pressure complications, so he had to be transferred to the emergency room.

“He manifests pain in the chest, in the upper left part and presents high blood pressure, which is why the decision is made to take him for evaluation. He is currently awaiting a medical opinion,” commented the Penitentiary and Prison Institute Inpec, on the complications presented by former Senator Pulgar.

At the moment, no further information has been generated on the situation, so the news is developing and waiting, since it should be remembered that yesterday, March 23, the request that aimed to stop Pulgar's transfer to La Picota prison in the capital was denied.

Regarding the case of the former senator, in July 2020, recordings were revealed in which Pulgar Daza tries to convince Judge Andrés Rodríguez Cáez, when he was working in the municipality of Usiacurí (Atlántico), to accept a bribe to favor his sponsors.

The renowned journalist Daniel Coronell mentioned in his column on the crime of Pulgar: “The senator's name is Eduardo Pulgar, he is a member of the U Party, and he went to make the return to favor his friend Luis Fernando Acosta Osio, the leader of a group that with questioned maneuvers gained control of the Metropolitan University of Barranquilla and intends to stay with the Acosta Bendeck Foundation and the Metropolitan University Hospital. The three institutions have a turnover of 80 billion pesos a year.”

In the last few hours, the first civilian judge of the Soledad Circuit denied the guardianship action brought by the wife of the convicted Eduardo Pulgar, which sought to stop his transfer of the military battalion in Malambo to La Picota prison in Bogotá.

Judge German Rodriguez Pacheco, in his decision, argues that the right to family union is guaranteed in the virtual visits that, due to the covid-19 pandemic, have been implemented, thus considering that the right claimed is not infringed on the minor.

Eduardo Pulgar will be transferred to La Picota

“In consideration of the broad considerations of jurisprudence, we have that the fundamental right to the family unit can be claimed or better, in the face of the possibility of a transfer, as is the case in the present event, its protection is guaranteed through the use of technologies or virtuality when it is not possible in person” says the ruling.

It is worth remembering that the guardianship, which was intended to prevent Pulgar's transfer to La Picota, was submitted by Ana Ucrós, a romantic partner of the former senator, arguing for the protection of the right of family union for the two-year-old daughter that they both have, and the roots in the Atlantic department of the syndicate.

However, the First Civil Court of Soledad ruled in the ruling that the transfer does not violate the right invoked, so the requested amparo will be denied.

“Given the foregoing, according to which, the fundamental right invoked by the transfer of the prisoner is not violated, since the basic fundamental right invoked by the family union is replaced by virtual visits, the requested protection will be denied”, the document reads.