'Black Eagles' would be threatening members of the Historical Pact in Valle del Cauca

This is not the first time that the paramilitary group threatens the left-wing collective. I had previously issued a warning against Gustavo Petro and the senators of the movement


Violence in the country continues to increase and in the territories armed groups that have taken over are trying to silence the leadership of people who think differently. On March 24, through social networks, some citizens announced that the armed group of 'Black Eagles' threatened intriguers of the political collective, Historical Pact.

In the pamphlet that reached the leaders' chats, the criminals say that they are “keeping our word to cleanse all those indigenous and social leaders who are the plague of Colombia.”

These threats include the name of Rayan El Barkachi, who serves as debate leader in Valle del Cauca, in Gustavo Petro's presidential campaign; and who gave statements to RCN Radio and noted that he knows that what makes his name today among those wanted by the paramilitary group is that in recent months his participation in politics has increased.

I think that political activism is what has spurred the emergence of these threats; for now the authorities have not spoken out, what I demand from the Government is that it ensure my safety and I clarify that we will not stop the process due to intimidation or threats,” said the head of debate.

For now, these threats, as well as others, have already been referred to the Prosecutor's Office, which has a duty to investigate their veracity and provide protection to those who are currently threatened. A month ago, another pamphlet by the same armed group was released, showing the names of the highest leaders of the Covenant.

On that occasion, the complaint and concern was shared by Congressman María José Pizarro on Twitter, where you can see the image of the page where more than 20 names appear counting that of the representative. “There will be no other faint-hearted president in Colombia who will hand over the country to the narco-guerrilla group,” the criminal group's document reads.

“We have been threatened with death again, the new pamphlet includes my name and my colleagues from @PactoCol @petrogustavo @IvanCepedaCast @AlirioUribeMuoz @heidy_up @GloriaFlorezsi other parties and social organizations. @FiscaliaCol do you know who the black eagles are?” , wrote Pizarro.

Before the announcement, one of those who spoke quickly was Armando Benedetti, who commented that he is concerned about the safety of Gustavo Petro, as it would not be the first threat against him and he reported that the police have not done anything about it.

“I fear for @petrogustavo's life, especially because of the indifference of the director of @PoliciaColombia General Vargas, who doesn't answer any of the calls. Any doubt that Petro is the most threatened? #HayQueProtegerAPetro, if something happens to it will be a crime of the State,” said the Senator member of Pact Histórico.

And he demanded a response from the authorities: “@petrogustavo's life is in danger and not a senator can get the Police Officer to answer, he seems to be pleased with our fears. Beyond your responsibility, the least is to answer. As of today, the government has done nothing to improve Petro's security.”

