A teacher accused of sexual abuse in school in Bosa is withdrawn from office

The Ministry of Education also highlighted the clean-up day that the Nuevo Chile school had after the recent protests in which they tried to set fire to the facilities


During this week there have been a series of protests in front of the Nuevo Chile district school, in Bosa, due to an alleged case of sexual abuse of a child under five years of age. On Thursday, the Secretary of Education, Edna Bonilla, reported that the accused professor was removed from office.

The case was heard through a statement issued by the minor's family. According to the mother, the boy told her that a teacher at the institution was doing abusive touching on her private parts. The request was sent to the school to file the complaint before the directors on March 18, so the school guidance office sent the child to the UPA in the Olarte neighborhood.

In that place, after carrying out some examinations, a psychologist established that the minor was the victim of presumptive sexual abuse. Later, according to the statement, the child was hospitalized and the next day he was sent to a specialized center of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF) where he was again evaluated and the results were the same; however, there is still no opinion from Legal Medicine.

Against this background, the Ministry of Education highlighted the decision taken in front of the teacher and assured that they have tried to communicate with the child's mother. “I personally called her,” said Edna Bonilla. He doesn't want to accept some kind of help from the secretariat, but I trust that we will succeed.”

The symbolic act of the Ministry of Education

On March 23, on the second consecutive day of protests, some of the protesters set fire to school facilities. According to some parents, this is not the first time that visitors have reported irregular behavior by the teacher towards other students.

The acts of violence against the facilities of Colegio Nuevo Chile were rejected by the Ministry of Education. For that reason, Edna Bonilla led a symbolic event on Thursday to surround the educational community and promote reconciliation. During the day, cleaning was carried out with the community to repair the damage caused to the institution.

The secretary indicated at the event, in which 450 people participated, that, “educational institutions are territories of peace. We do not accept that children are assaulted or that schools are destroyed. We express ourselves through words, actions, flowers and not violence.”

The rector of the school participated in the symbolic act, who cried while sending a message to the parents and the authorities present. “The community knows and understands all situations, what they don't understand is that I don't have the power to change some things, I can't remove teachers, nor can I condemn anyone, that's up to the authorities,” said Richard Ladino in tears.

Despite the rector's words, Blu Radio reported that during the event there were some who disagreed and pointed out Ladino of negligence in the case. “For covering up a rapist, look, the school is fixed, the child is not, the school is being washed, the child has no qualms. The rector is rubbish,” said one of the protesters.

For his part, the spokesman for the Secretary of Security, Alejandro Reyes, reminded the public that the information of 163 was recently handed over to the Attorney General's Office cases of sexual violence recorded in district educational institutions, allegedly committed by teachers attached to the entity.

“We were assigned six prosecutors to investigate cases of sexual harassment and abuse and one of them will work at the Bosa House of Justice, where he will listen to mothers, fathers and students,” the official said. It is expected that within 30 days the Office of the Prosecutor will present the results of the investigations into the cases.

