When do I collect Anses: payments for this Wednesday, March 23

Today pensions, pensions, pregnancy allowance, unemployment benefit and the food program PAMI are paid


The National Social Security Administration (Anses) reported that today pensions, pensions, pregnancy allowance, unemployment benefit and the PAMI food program are paid.

The authorized bank branches will serve retirees, retirees, pensioners and pensioners with documents ending in 0 and 1 whose assets exceed 36,676 pesos.


With the use of the debit card, today the Pregnancy Allowance is charged by holders with documents ending in 9.


Today, people with documents completed in 2 and 3 receive unemployment benefit.


This month, the ninth extraordinary payment of up to 3000 pesos is being carried out for people affiliated with PAMI, who received the bag of food that was delivered to retirement centers before Covid-19, and for people over 85 with minimum retirement. They receive payment on the same date and account that they collect their credit.

Within the framework of the new Pension Regime for Workers, Employees and Contractors of Viñas, the executive director of Anses, Fernanda Raverta, this week handed over the first retirements to workers in the wine sector in San Juan, together with Governor Sergio Uñac and the national senator and author of the law, Anabel Fernández Sagasti.

The event, held at the Cassab Ahun estate, was also attended by the national deputy Walberto Allende; the secretary general of the Federation of Wine and Allied Workers and Employees (FOEVA), Carlos Ozán, representatives of the sector and authorities of national and local Anses.

This new regime, framed in Law No. 27,643, allows winemaker workers who have 25 years of contributions to retire at the age of 57. It also establishes an increase of 2 percentage points in the employer's contribution.

In addition, it has important similarities with the Agricultural Work Scheme (Law No. 26,727), because it shares many of the conditions due to the type of tasks it envisages. The law explains that the vine finds no other way of being worked than with different manual labor by men or women, which cause the worker to transform their bodies into their main working tool and generate a process of premature wear and aging in relation to the conditions of other activities labor.

There are currently 12,500 workers registered in companies with the main activity of growing grapes. In 2022, 2250 of them will reach the age to retire under this new regime. Of that total, 24 percent belong to San Juan (533); 71 percent belong to Mendoza (1587) and 5 percent are distributed among the remaining provinces.