These are the most dangerous highways for trailers in Mexico

According to Rafael Ortiz Pacheco, president of AMOTAC, up to five carriers are victims of organized crime a day on this route


Due to the insecurity that exists on the country's roads, as well as the “unjustified” increase in the rates of the booths, from the early hours of Tuesday thousands of truck drivers from the Mexican Alliance of Carriers Organization (AMOTAC) have blocked the main roads of some states.

In the Valley of Mexico, traffic was cut off on the Mexico-Cuernavaca Highway, Mexico-Toluca Highway, Mexico-Puebla Highway, Mexico-Pachuca Highway and the Mexico-Querétaro Highway. But as the hours passed, members of AMOTAC joined the demonstration in states such as Nuevo León, Jalisco, Chihuahua, Chiapas, Guerrero, Michoacán, Veracruz and San Luis Potosí.

In a statement, the Alliance representing more than 400,000 carriers explained that the blockades were a strong action in the face of the lack of attention from the authorities, such as the National Guard (NG), the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Communications and Transport (STC), who requested an urgent dialogue table.

AMOTAC transporters from Valle de Toluca joined the national strike
Photo: Cuartoscuro

And they allege that every day they suffer robberies and murders of their companions by organized crime, so they ask for greater protection from the NG as they travel along the roads of their jurisdiction.

Even Rafael Ortiz Pacheco, president of AMOTAC, said in an interview for Radio Formula a day they have recorded up to five murders on the same route in central Mexico.

(Screenshot: Google Maps)
(Screenshot: Google Maps)

Ortiz Pacheco explained that the biggest red spotlight is on the highways that connect Mexico-Querétaro, Querétaro-San Luis Potosí and San Luis Potosí-Zacatecas, where, he said, they are already prohibited from touring them at night. It is worth mentioning that this route is 601 kilometers (about eight hours on the way).

However, he added that in the states of Veracruz and Michoacán there are other routes that are highly dangerous.

He also demanded an end to the alleged abuses and extortions committed against them by all Mexican corporations when they transit federal, state or municipal highways, since they only “take money” from them, without any justification.

When questioned whether he had any meetings with Adán Augusto López Hernández, head of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob), the transport leader mentioned that “this government has already taught itself not to listen, like the previous ones”.

escape and clandestine seizure Ecatepec (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
escape and clandestine seizure Ecatepec (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

More information in development.