The banks that Colombians complain about the most

The Financial Superintendency of Colombia published statistics showing which financial institutions are the most inconsistent among users.

El Ministerio de Hacienda señaló que el crédito se amortizará en un única cuota al 15 de septiembre de 2035 para maximizar la vida permitida por el BID para las operaciones de este tipo, que es de 15,25 años. EFE/Leonardo Muñoz/Archivo
El Ministerio de Hacienda señaló que el crédito se amortizará en un única cuota al 15 de septiembre de 2035 para maximizar la vida permitida por el BID para las operaciones de este tipo, que es de 15,25 años. EFE/Leonardo Muñoz/Archivo

Bancolombia, Davivienda, Banco de Bogotá and BBVA Colombia are the entities that reported the most complaints, the report to risk centers, poor review and/or liquidation of resources are the most frequent complaints from users of banks or financial institutions in recent months.

From 12,336 complaints were increased to 9,048 during the last month of 2021, the report also aggregates insurance companies, financing companies, pension fund managers, among other establishments.

In the case of Bancolombia, 1,595 complaints were received, Davivienda filed 1,417 cases, Banco de Bogotá 1,194 and El Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) 809. For example, for Bancolombia, of the 1,595 claims, 179 were related to credit cards, while Banco de Bogotá received 380 for this same concept.

A previous report indicated that the liquidation of the appeals is responsible for 23.4% of the total number of complaints filed. According to the Financial Superintendency, the report to risk centers follows with 8.7%, this deals with cases in which the client considers that it should not have been reported or arrived there due to the error of the bank or financial institution.

In the list of reasons by users, the contractual aspects for non-compliance and/or modification are also highlighted; improper attention to the financial consumer; failure to send the necessary information to the customer; failures in the internet service; and alleged impersonation of persons.

Bancolombia, Banco Popular, Banco de Bogotá and Banco Itaú are the entities that have received the most complaints in recent months for reasons such as: claims for financial services and products such as housing leasing, housing credit, credit cards, administration of trust resources and savings accounts.

The ranking also includes: Banco GNB Sudameris, Banco de Occidente and Banco Caja Social, entities that have registered requests for inconsistencies in procedures such as microcredit, erroneous appropriations, impersonation of alleged person and inadequate provision of information.

As for the fiduciaries, Colmena, Previsora and Alianza Fiduciaria, they have received the most comments, according to the SFC report.

In contrast, Coopcentral, Mibanco, Banco W and Bancamía are the entities that reported the fewest claims in the ranking. Although, it should be borne in mind that one of the factors to these figures is the number of users that each bank has.

Infobae spoke with an expert who said that, one of the reasons for the decrease in numbers is that the channels of care have been facilitated in the first contact solution. Also, work at the root of each problem. The development of the skills of those who have contact with the client in aspects such as: training, tools and attributions, are strategies that are being implemented to improve this item.

The bank official in charge of the claims area points out, that the user must take into account their position as a customer and recognize the failures they may have committed in the process they are claiming. Although he claims that there are multiple important causes that generate these complaints, there are operational, technical and human resources issues. “For example: claims for credits because customers did not understand how relief was applied to their liabilities. On the other hand, because the bank was not clear with customers in this exercise.”

Finally, he assured that for the complaint to be solid or receive a satisfactory response, the client must document the case very well. He points out that there are cases in which the user must take into account the situation or conditions of the complaint, “that is, there are customers who complain that they steal money, but they themselves hand over the means of handling to criminals”.

