Peruvian producer asks Stephanie Cayo for humility and she responds: “Focus on you”

Juan Limo, Peruvian producer, dedicated a message to Stephanie Cayo asking for humility, as not everyone has the same opportunity she had when appearing on Netflix. He even accused her of belonging to an audiovisual ring.


Stephanie Cayo has fallen prey to criticism after starring in the film Until We Meet Again, the first Peruvian film made for Netflix. This wave was joined by producer of animated films and shorts Juan Limo, who did not hesitate to ask the actress for humility after sharing the singer's latest message, where he pointed out that criticism does not affect him because he was used to bullying from school.

Faced with this, the producer of Kanito, the Peruvian animated short film winner of the national short film competition in 2015, pointed out that he has been trying to make an animated film for a long time, but he does not have the support it enjoys.

“How did Stephanie Cayo explain to you that my friends and I have been trying to make an animated film for years. And Netflix gives you the opportunity only with the sole merit of belonging to the Peruvian audiovisual ring. A little more humility would make you understand the criticism better,” wrote the director on Twitter, which soon became viral and reached the eyes of the actress, who immediately shared the publication and responded to her.


“I'm sorry you didn't get the chance and I understand your feelings, but that doesn't give you the right to belittle the work, struggle or success of others. You have to feed the dreams of others. People who fight do not stop, nor speak ill of the success of others,” said the protagonist Until we meet again.

He also asked him to have more empathy with those who do achieve their dreams, and to wish them the best always. “Bonding and empathy is going to be more effective in your career than frustration or jealousy. If you knew how many times I've been told no. You have no idea,” he said.

He finally asked him to focus on his goals and not stop at what others achieve and he doesn't. “I wish you the best, hopefully life teaches you more to focus on what you want to achieve don't stop at why others got what they wanted and you didn't. Focus on yourself and keep feeding your mind on positive things because character and endurance have a lot to do with this race,” he concluded.

Stephanie Cayo responds to producer of animated films. (Photo: Instagram)
Stephanie Cayo responds to producer of animated films. (Photo: Instagram)


As you remember, Stephanie Cayo responded last Tuesday, February 21 to her detractors, who she asked to go to work instead of wasting their time criticizing.

“Guys, I'm used to being bullied from school. This is not new to me, all my life I have laughed because it has always seemed to me that if they talk about you they are behind you, and one should look forward. Laugh at what you like, I'll laugh at you. Even myself,” she wrote on Instagram.

“I respect the criticism of Twitter, I reiterate: get off Twitter and get to work, or make another film. Let's go! We do need that, more Peruvians doing beautiful things for our country. Incentivizing hatred among Peruvians must leave them a big void. You'd better start doing things for yourself...”

The young woman in this publication took the opportunity to defend her friend Bruno Ascenzo, director of the film Until we meet again.

And leave my friend Bruno (Ascenzo) alone, who is a wonderful director and writer. I repeat, if you're going to talk, show me something you've done, that you sacrificed your life, fight for years and then we'll talk. Nobody gave us anything. Get to work, concluded its publication.


Juan Limo is the creator of the animated short 'Kanito: The First Battle', a product that won a national competition in 2015, organized by the Peruvian Ministry of Culture.

“'Kanito: The First Battle' is set in a Lima of the future, hit by the same acts of violence and corruption that have been plaguing it for so many years. If there is one thing that stands out about this project, it is the notorious dedication with which it was carried out for just over two years”, as explained by ú

Kanito won a short film competition in 2015.
Kanito won a short film competition in 2015.