Democratic Center sends poll to its militants to define their presidential candidate

Uribism seeks to define its candidate for the presidency of the Republic. The strategy of the governing party is that through a series of questions, they outline the position of the collective for the presidential campaign


Until 8 a.m. on Thursday, March 24, the members of the Democratic Center will have time to answer the poll of the political party, which seeks to define its support for a single candidate for the first presidential round on May 29.

The strategy of the governing party is that its members, through a series of questions, outline the position of the collective for the presidential campaign. The committee that created the survey is headed by Miguel Uribe, Paloma Valencia, María Fernanda Cabal, Alirio Barrera and Oscar Darío Pérez. The questions asked will reach the emails of the 600,000 members of Uribism.

The intention of the party of former president, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, is to approach the different candidates to reach agreements that will allow them to pass the second round and thus beat Gustavo Petro. Therefore, the first question that the uribists will have to answer will be about their personal preference for one of the candidates registered in the presidential struggle.

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So it was formulated as follows: of the following options, who do you think should be the candidate who receives the support of the Democratic Center? The names of Federico Gutiérrez, Rodolfo Hernández, Enrique Gómez, Ingrid Betancourt, Jhon Milton Rodríguez, Sergio Fajardo and none of the above are added, and a space called “others” was opened in case the militancy wants to consider another name.

It is unofficially known that Ingrid Betancourt would have already received formal invitations from the community to sustain a real rapprochement. In addition, an appointment with candidates Federico Gutiérrez and Rodolfo Hernández is expected to take place in the coming days. La FM has reported that meetings have already taken place with John Milton Rodríguez and Enrique Gomez.

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The second question of the survey seeks to define the priority of issues that must be agreed with the candidate who will be supported in order to achieve a programmatic agreement with specific points. There are five options and the question is this: in order to establish the programmatic agenda with the candidate who will support the Democratic Center, rate from 1 to 3, according to the importance, the following topics, where 1 is the least important and 3 the most important.

The option that gets the most votes will be the one that is given priority to seek the presidential candidate to include the issues in his government agenda. Senator-elect Miguel Uribe said that the consultation should be done as quickly as possible so that next Monday the country's position for the presidential elections will be announced.

Senator María Fernanda Cabal, during the presentation of the poll she prepared, said that “the party sent the query to its members and supporters who are registered with their ID card and in this way to be able to vote on which candidate to choose to accompany in the next electoral contest.”

