Daylight Saving Time 2022: what day in April do the hands of the clock adjust

It is recommended to make the change the night of the previous Saturday to dawn with the change

TOLUCA, ESTADO DE MÉXICO, 29OCTUBRE2021.- El próximo domingo 31 de octubre inicia el Horario de Invierno, y se recuerda a la población atrasar una hora en sus relojes y verificar que los dispositivos electrónicos realicen este cambio, este horario concluirá el próximo 3 de abril de 2022. FOTO: CRISANTA ESPINOSA AGUILAR /CUARTOSCURO.COM

As every year, the adjustment on the hands of the clock should be considered during this time, as we are already a few days away from it and it is better known as summer time. In that regard, we will remember the expected date for the change.

In most parts of the Republic, with the exception of some border entities, the amendment takes place from the first Sunday of April, until the last Sunday in October.

What is the date for the 2022 time change?

On this occasion, all watches will have to be advanced by one hour, although it must be remembered that most digital devices, such as cell phones, will change automatically.

- Sunday 3 April will be the day when they must apply the amendment.

The clocks will have to be moved forward by an hour. (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

According to the information, it is recommended to prevent the adjustment from the night before Saturday, since at 2:00 in the morning on Sunday the adjustment will be considered and then it will be 3:00 hours.

It will be important to detail that the adjustment to the hands of the clock will be considered again until Sunday, October 30, according to information.

It should be remembered that the cities of the border strip make the change to the schedule based on the rules of the neighboring country, that is, the United States, which considers it from the second Sunday in March until the first Sunday in November.

This means that on March 13, the change was considered in two states of the Republic for tourist and economic reasons, which are: Sonora and Quintana Roo.

As well as 33 cities of 5 entities called the border area.

In border cities, that is, those that walk with the US time, it was applied from Sunday, March 13, and it will be until Sunday, November 6 when they must be delayed.

Meanwhile, we must remember that Daylight Saving Time emerged since 1996 with the support of the initiative to save energy by making a little more use of sunlight and thus reducing electricity costs.

According to the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), the so-called summer time is a measure that is applied during the period of greatest sunshine during the year and consists of bringing the local time forward by one hour to the beginning of that period, and going back, also by one hour, after the aforementioned period has elapsed.

According to the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), time changes affect people's physical, emotional and intellectual performance. In children, it can alter their sleep cycle and the need to eat food, while in older people it can also alter their rest and cause episodes of anxiety and insomnia.

The Ministry of Energy (Sener) of the federal government recommends in each modification period, to move the hands of the clock from the night before, and before going to sleep, to wake up on the aforementioned Sunday with the new schedule.

