Day of Memory: Alberto Fernández will lead an event of his own before the La Campora march

In the midst of escalating tensions in the Frente de Todos, the President decided to lead a tribute to missing scientists in the Ministry of Science and Technology together with Daniel Filmus. It will be at 10, four hours before the massive mobilization that Kirchnerism plans with human rights organizations, from the former ESMA to the Plaza de Mayo


The Day of Memory, Truth and Justice, perhaps the most emblematic date for all the camps of the Front of All, finds the governing coalition at its worst since it took office. As Infobae said, Thursday's events will reveal the differences in the ruling party, which today appear to be irreconcilable to despite requests for unity by some space actors. Alberto Fernández has already decided to distance himself from the massive mobilization organized by La Campora from former Esma towards Plaza de Mayo together with the Mothers Association led by Hebe de Bonafini (who, not coincidentally, yesterday received Cristina Kirchner at the organization's headquarters). On the other hand, after thinking about it for several days, the President chose to lead an act of his own: he will remember the tragic date in a tribute to missing scientists that will be held at the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Last year, the president had participated in a tribute to the missing workers in the former ESMA, days before the 45th anniversary of the coup d'état. This time, he will not remember the victims of state terrorism in the former center for the disappeared, but will lead a ceremony at the headquarters of the portfolio led by Daniel Filmus. It will be in the morning, at 10 am, before the call for the march called for 14 o'clock for Kirchnerism - through the Human Rights Secretariat led by Cristina Kirchner's kidney official, Horacio Pietragalla, and the social networks of La Campora -, in the Space for Memory.

Alberto Fernández chose to remember those who disappeared by the 1976 Coup in an indoors act with institutional characteristics, together with a minister he trusted. There, reconstructed files of the disappeared or murdered scientists will be handed over to their families. The President then considered traveling inland, on a flight to La Rioja, to participate in another commemoration, together with a related justicialist governor, Ricardo Quintela, in honor of Archbishop Enrique Angelelli. It was a trip proposed by the Chief of Staff, Juan Manzur. However, this visit was set aside on Tuesday afternoon. In full swing in the force he leads with Cristina Kirchner, the head of state does not want to give the impression that he is moving away from the center of the scene.

The next day, the president is expected to continue with an activity along the same lines, from Buenos Aires, for the signing, at the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI), of an agreement with the Mint to digitize his archives and make them available to human rights organizations.

Christina Kirchner Hebe of Bonafini
Cristina Kirchner at the Mothers Association of Plaza de Mayo with Hebe de Bonafini

The Campora prepares another type of ceremony, massive, through a march of proportions that predict unprecedented for the date. “There are going to be many, many people,” emphasized a spokesperson for the space, who has been looking for weeks to convene the largest number of organizations to show strength during the commemoration. In Plaza de Mayo, where the front page of Máximo Kirchner's organization plans to reach on foot next to the mass after a 13-kilometer procession, a stage will have been set up. But it is not yet decided whether political leaders will speak from there, or will the speeches of representatives of related human rights organizations be prioritized. Nor is the presence of Cristina Kirchner ruled out, who usually leaves confirmation of her appearances until the last minute.

In the Government, they relativized the President's absence from the former ESMA and argued that it is not customary to politicize events for the Day of Memory. But the slogans that Kirchnerism launched have a clear political and economic content linked to the current context. The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, under the leadership of Human Rights leader and reference for Kirchnerism Hebe de Bonafini, will be part of the march with a very tough approach against the IMF - concerning the “death of children” as a result of adjustment policies - and, by extension, against the Executive and Together for Change. Yesterday, the Mothers gave explicit support to Cristina Kirchner in the intern, receiving the Vice-President at the headquarters of the Association. They then shared a photo of the meeting, with a written message to emphasize the good harmony between the two.

“It was very fruitful, they talked a lot and the vice-president, with the affection that characterizes her, greeted all the staff of the Casa de la Mothers. When they said goodbye, Hebe and Cristina were very excited,” they said from the official account of the organization. The meeting was eloquent: De Bonafini is one of Alberto Fernández's most critical referents of Kirchnerism since his first year as President. He recently questioned it publicly because of the agreement with the Fund, but during the last two years he came out to target him on several occasions, because of his approaches with business sectors and because of his economic management.

This is not the first time that a date linked to the issue of State terrorism has been crossed by distances in the Government. In December 2020, there were a series of cross-versions of the participation in an event for International Human Rights Day, also at the former ESMA, where Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner finally agreed on a stage with representatives of the organizations, although with obvious slights from the Vice President, which at that time had already shown signs of disapproval, through his first incendiary letter to the management of his dolphin in the elections that had brought him to the Casa Rosada exactly one year earlier.

alberto fernandez cristina kirchner act esma
Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner at former Esma in December 2020

The distance between the two acts is framed in the succession of the public crossings in the Frente de Todos in recent weeks, which had their last expression with the surprising letter of intellectuals K, on Monday, and with the strong statements of Alberto Fernández, yesterday. In dialogue with El Destape, Alberto Fernández recalled that the decisions are in his charge, as President, and his words aroused a new wave of unrest in Kirchnerism, where they read them as “a provocation”, as they said by an important minister who responds to Cristina Kirchner.

However, some looks in the vice-president's space sought to be more conciliatory and anticipated that the situation between the two “will be resolved”, despite the fact that there is no dialogue between the two today, as confirmed twice last week by the spokeswoman, Gabriela Cerruti. “Alberto said exactly what Cristina said. That he is the President and that in the meantime, he must be responsible for his decisions,” they said in a Kirchner office to try to put cold cloths on the blatant fight at the top of the government.

In Kirchnerism they defend themselves and assure that it is a “lie”, as they propose from Albertism, that they are “hindering” the management of the president. “There are some disagreements over specific issues. First it was because of the lack of perception about what was happening on the street, in the face of the elections. And it became clear that it was, given the results. And then, with the agreement with the Fund. But all the criticisms were made in the face of the people, not with statements in voice-overs like them. With Cristina's letter after the PASO, and with Máximo's resignation, also explained in a letter,” an official of the camporo orbit tried to justify.

In the offices responding to the Vice-President and Máximo Kirchner, they believe that the dispute will be resolved when Cristina Kirchner and Alberto Fernández “sit down and talk”, and emphasized the need for this to occur through private efforts, not through speeches and public letters. “There is an uproar below, with criticism and requests, in parallel, for dialogue. But that is done indoors, working for unity, not in the media. When there is a willingness to do it, it will happen,” said, an important spokesman for camporismo, enigmatically.

As they predicted, although without any clarifications, the long-awaited reconciliation conversation between the President and the Vice President “will not happen immediately” fr First, at least, it will have to pass the milestone of March 24, where La Campora will seek to establish itself in the familiar field of human rights defense. Meanwhile, the Government is on the verge of the rupture by the internal ones linked to the management of the economic crisis and the agreement with the IMF, with the respective positions for the presidential elections of 2023 as a backdrop. Today no one dares to say, without hesitation, that there is room for the reconstruction of the ruling front.

