Arturo Elias Ayub: what does the son-in-law of businessman Carlos Slim regret

In an interview, Elias Ayub tells what he regretted during his time as a student

One of the friendliest and most well-known businessmen in Mexico is undoubtedly Arturo Elias Ayub, who, in addition to being in charge of some of the most important companies in the country, is the son-in-law of the wealthiest person in Mexico, Carlos Slim Helú, because he is married to his youngest daughter, Johanna Slim Domit, with whom he has three children.

Elias Ayub participated in the Shark Tank program, where he served as a panelist or “shark” for several years, however, he recently announced his departure from the program.

The businessman studied Business Administration at Universidad Anahuac, however, although he finished a university degree, he has repeatedly stated that school was never his thing, because instead of studying, he preferred to do business.

Elias Ayub was recently interviewed by journalist Elisa Alanís. In that interview he talks about the subject, mentioning that he regrets not having taken advantage of his studies. In the talk, the journalist asks him why he didn't like her, to which he replies that “I hated her with all my soul”.

Elias Ayub is the son-in-law of businessman Carlos Slim and is in charge of some of his companies. Photo: Facebook/Carlos Slim

He mentions that no school grade ever liked him, and that even college bored him a lot. “I was really bored and I was going to do business, I've been talking to you since the sixth grade,” says Carlos Slim's son-in-law.

He points out that he studied, in elementary school, in Mexico City, in Polanco; high school and high school at Colegio Cumbres. He explains that all his schools hated them, yet he made very good friends in them. “I regret being such a bad student, I have to tell you, I regret it because, although many times it seems that you are being taught things that you are never going to use in your life, and that many times it seems that you are wasting your time, and then you are so arrogant that you think you are so smart not to need them, and it's not true (...) so for I do regret that a little, but at the same time, I tell you, when I was in the third year of high school I had a marketing company with 15 people working for me, in the third year of high school,” says the businessman.

The journalist asks him if this brings him from his father, to which the businessman says he always liked it very much, and that undoubtedly, that part came from his father and grandparents.

Elisa Alanís asks him if he never wanted to study anything else, to which the former Shark Tank participant says every day. “Every day I think about it and every day I do it, that is, every day I like to learn new things, and I look for a place to study them, and today, it's wonderful, because if you want to know about metaphysics, or if you want to know about astronomy or cooking, or whatever you can think of, you're two clicks away, it's amazing; and if you want to read it or what you can think of, you're two clicks away, it's amazing; and if you want to read it or what you can think of you want to listen to it or you want to see it in a video, because you have all the possibilities.”

Arturo Elias Ayub is married to Johanna Slim, with whom he has three children. Photo: Instagram @arturoelias

The businessman mentions that the platforms they have at the Carlos Slim Foundation, “you have from Khan Academy, which teaches you how to add two plus two, and that teaches you how to read an income statement, make a balance, that is, everything, up to Coursera, MAT and Harvard, the truth is that you have everything in the palm of your hand, on your cell phone”.

Although Ayub says he never liked school, he points out that there is an exception, since he also studied at the Pan American Institute for Senior Business Management (IPADE), which he did like to attend. “I think it was already older, and what I really liked was the IPADE method of studies (...) which were these practical cases, they put or gave you a little book about what happened in a company, like at Harvard, it's the same method, and they told you: let's analyze the subject of Human Resources, so read this, and then you saw that They ran to I don't know who, but they hired why who, in real cases from real companies; it happens to me even with movies, I watch fiction films and I don't like them, and if the monster comes out and eats someone, I don't like it, and instead I like movies that are like real life, and they're in New York and take the yellow taxi, they're the ones that I like them, and it's the same thing, here at IPADE they are real cases of real companies, where you sat with a group of people discussing what each person would have done, so I liked that one”, concludes the businessman.