Agrarian University of La Molina admission exam: date, entrance gate, vacancies and everything you need to know

The Agrarian University of La Molina will open its doors to all applicants for their various careers. Find out all the details here!


This Sunday, March 27, the National Agrarian University of La Molina will open its doors to the entire student community that will apply for its 2022-I admission exam. Given this, the house of studies has provided certain parameters that young people should follow when going to give the test.

The first thing to know is that the university provides its applicants with 490 vacancies for a total of 12 careers.

Access door:

The university explained that for better control of applicants, the entrance gate will be number three.

The aforementioned House of Studies has previously coordinated with the Ministry of Health (Minsa), the Ministry of Education (Minedu), the Municipality of Lima, the Municipality of La Molina, the Attorney General's Office, the Peruvian National Police (PNP), the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec), the serenazgo, among others, to ensure security measures in the admission process.

Safe admission process

Likewise, the National Agrarian University La Molina, reported that it will have a crime prevention prosecutor, in order to precaution due action against possible illegal actions, as well as PNP personnel will maintain public order and security in the streets surrounding the Agraria facilities.

Careers to apply

UNALM offers 12 professional careers for the wider community: Agronomy, Biology, Environmental Engineering, Meteorological Engineering and Climate Risk Management, Food Industry Engineering, Forestry Engineering, Economics, Computer Statistics, Business Management Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry.

Modalities for admission to La Agraria University

Ordinary Competition

Available to all applicants who have completed secondary education, whether within Peru or abroad. For both cases, the original high school certificate must be presented. If it comes from abroad, the document must be validated by the Peruvian Ministry of Education. After this procedure, the admission exam is taken to seek to reach a vacancy.

UNALM Pre-University Centre

The pre-university preparation center offers people the opportunity to enter UNALM directly without taking the entrance exam. It is essential to attend all classes of the course, and pass continuous assessments, reaching a place in the upper third of the averages.

In order to enroll in the center, applicants must provide the certificate of secondary education, certified grades (from 1st to 5th year) and identity card. According to UNALM regulations, it is only allowed to apply to this modality once.

Tips for applicants

Admission exams may only be submitted on a single date, established by the University Council. There is no possibility of a new date for stragglers, so plan your schedule very well.

Try to arrive up to two hours before the exam, to avoid wasting time searching, registering and looking for your salon. Many times, applicants arrive from 5:30am.

You cannot enter the classroom with cell phones or other electronic devices. In case it is discovered, the penalty includes the removal of the evidence.

Review the Applicant Guide, so that you are aware of all the rules to follow during the admission process.