With criticism of the PRO and the Government, the UCR gathered its mayors and ratified its aspirations for 2023

More than 250 community chiefs participated. Gerardo Morales, party president, asked governors of his own candidates and targeted the “high” of Juntos for Change


Radicalism continues in its strategy of fighting the leadership of Together for Change to PRO in all areas and as part of its strategy today it showed the territorial capillarity it has through its mayors.

At an event in Parque Norte that was attended by the president of the UCR and governor of Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, radicalism brought together 250 of its 412 mayors in the country and which makes it the second force in those positions behind Peronism.

“This is capillarity, it is territoriality, the municipal chiefs are the ones who are closest to the neighbors and are the first line when it comes to understanding the claims, setting up the agenda and looking for votes,” explains a mayor from a town in the north of the country.

This territoriality is what Morales shows as one of his strengths when it comes to discussing inward power of Together for Change. “The mayors are fundamental, key, to understanding territoriality when it comes to putting together the government program that will be ready by the end of the year. The program of Together for Change. And the party that has the most mayors within the coalition is us.”

Gerardo Morales - Mario Negri - UCR
Gerardo Morales

The PRO has 30 mayors spread throughout the country, of which 19 are concentrated in towns in the province of Buenos Aires.

Since he became president of the UCR, Morales has not hidden that his main objective in the short term is for the party to displace the PRO from leadership and, more in the long term, the presidency of the Nation. “We don't want to be the owners of Together for Change, but they are not going to take us by the nose. I think about the next president being radical, then he can accompany us -in the formula- any of them.”

One of the points being discussed in the opposition coalition is enlargement. Regarding this, Morales said that in the mayors sector “there is freedom for everyone to comply with the agreements he sees fit in his localities.” Asked about expanding the coalition at the National Table, Morales pointed out that his intention was to go along that path, but he sent a message to the “hawks” of the PRO - he says they lack claws - who flirt with Javier Milei.

“If you go after Javier Milei, radicalism will say no. Milei is the anti-democratic expression, it is an emergent of politics that is our responsibility and the Front of All. If they move along that path, I will work so that in the radical convention - the organ of the party that enables alliances - it says no and then radicalism and Together for Change will be seen to do.”

Javier Milei and Patricia Bullrich
Javier Milei with Patricia Bullrich, President of the PRO

Regarding the situation that the Frente de Todos is experiencing today with the internal disputes that were reflected in the split vote to the agreement with the IMF, the president of the UCR pointed out that “the problem the country has is the rift, and in the party that also governs the rift, the concern is that this rift will not immobilize it.”

“There is a very serious structural fracture and we are going to have to be there, attentive, not to let ourselves go. But we also have to avoid in Juntos por el Cambio those who believe that the worse it is to punish the Argentine people with the responsibility that falls to us, not to let ourselves be thrown away by irrationality,” he warned.

In his final speech, he again pointed to the Front of All and the PRO: “This government does to us what the world does to Russia. restrictions, stocks, complications. These are perimid formulas, we have to work to protect micro and SMEs, so there must be a federal plan for productive investments. That is the challenge for the country and it will generate a debate within Together for Change because we don't have the same ideological conceptions, we have different visions of the State. That's why we have to give the debate.”

Regarding the coalition that makes up the PRO, the CC and Republican Peronism, the president of the radicals said that “many top members of Together for Change deny the mistakes we made, they think the people are wrong, we must understand that if they didn't vote for us it's because there are things we did wrong, and those are the things that we did wrong we need to improve with a government program.”

Mauricio Macri and Gerardo Morales
Morales with Mauricio Macri

Finally, the governor of Jujuy sought to bring calm to the troops and a very timely request. “There is a lot of noise in JxC and that noise has to do with the fact that radicalism is standing up. We don't want owners, we're not going to own it either. Nor do I want a CEO government and for us to call ourselves the best team in the world, because we are human, because we have mistakes. I ask you - the mayors - to believe in us, let us not surrender, let us first go with our candidates for radical governors, because if we surrender to other candidates in the province we will be left without a party.”

