They ask the JEP to declare farmers and microentrepreneurs as victims of the armed conflict

Through a document they ask the agency to guarantee the rights of access to justice, truth and reparation of members of the productive sector that constitutes a large part of the national territory.

A report that was presented to the Chamber for Recognition of Truth, Responsibility and Determination of Facts and Conduct (SRVR), of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, calls for guaranteeing the rights of access to justice, truth and reparation for small traders and peasants.

It states that murders were committed as retaliation for non-payment of extortion or failure to comply with orders of the extinct FARC; deprivation of liberty developed under the modality of kidnapping for extortion purposes, social and territorial control. In addition, subjection to unworthy treatment through constant threats and humiliation for the payment of extortion.

Semana published sections of the 40-page document, where they point out that despite the investigations carried out by the JEP into crimes committed against members of the productive sector, it should be emphasized that the facts must be recognized as systematized attacks, generating adverse effects such as discouraging production in various sectors, effects on private property and the right to work. They also ask to identify those responsible for such crimes in order to reconstruct the truth.

“Members of this sector must receive differentiated treatment by the JEP, while they were systematically and recurrently victimized by the FARC,” the document states. In addition, he assures that: “Although economic reparation is not called for, clarity is sought in the role played by the FARC in affecting a large part of these sectors.”

It is important to note that other facts presented point to forced displacement; destruction, wrongful and arbitrary appropriation of property for the financing of the guerrilla group, sometimes making indiscriminate use of explosive devices.

in addition, the request adds that violations of International Humanitarian Law, committed systematically against members of the productive sector, must be verified.

The situation is worrying since, in recent days it was announced that the former FARC guerrilla commanders will not be investigated by the Investigation and Prosecution Unit of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, in the face of non-compliance with the process of reparation for the victims of the armed conflict.

In fact, for officials such as Defense Minister Diego Molano, it is unjustified that these determinations be made, and that, on the contrary, the leaders of the FARC request to be recognized as victims. The head of the portfolio said:

On the other hand, in view of the lack of guarantees for victims, the JEP asked the Office of the Attorney General to investigate what happened with the 35 signatories of the peace agreement who had been killed. They requested that errors that have been made that have prevented the safety of this population be reviewed.