“The solution is not to kill the unborn”: Enrique Gómez will reform the decriminalization of abortion if he is president

The presidential candidate for the National Salvation Movement told Infobae Colombia his position on termination of pregnancy and questioned what he calls the alleged “abortion movement” in the country

Colombian presidential candidate Enrique Gomez
Colombian presidential candidate Enrique Gomez attends a presidential debate on national television in Bogota, Colombia March 21, 2022. REUTERS/Luisa Gonzalez

In Colombia, since February 2022, it is legal for a woman to terminate her pregnancy until the 24th week of gestation. This was defined by the Constitutional Court in a ruling that raised celebrations and criticism. In fact, one of the voices against that ruling is today's presidential candidate Enrique Gomez.

He was a trend during and after the presidential debate of the RCN conglomerate, this Monday, March 22. It should be recalled that Gómez aspires to the Presidency for the National Salvation Movement and that, last weekend, he gave an interview to Infobae Colombia, in which he announced his vehement position on the decriminalization of abortion.

When asked what actions he would take in relation to the termination of pregnancy until the 24th week of pregnancy, Gómez assured that if he came to power he would revoke that decision through a “constitutional reform” and, as other right-wing politicians have said, he believes that abortion “leads to irresponsibility.”

Enrique Gómez, grandson of former Colombian President Laureano Gómez, seeks to reach the presidency of Colombia without alliances and with a recently reborn political movement. Colprensa Archive.
Enrique Gómez, grandson of former Colombian President Laureano Gómez, seeks to reach the presidency of Colombia without alliances and with a recently reborn political movement. Colprensa Archive.

Through this reform, the nephew of murdered conservative politician Álvaro Gómez Hurtado seeks to ensure “that life is inviolable from conception to natural death”; in addition, he will eliminate “any ambiguity that allows the Court to come to legalize the murder of children who are about to be born. That is crazy what has happened here and that is our agenda on the pro-life issue,” Gomez told Infobae, in turn questioning couples who conceive babies without taking into account existing planning methods.

Enrique Gómez's statements could be considered controversial by public opinion and by those called pro-abortion, given that the applicant considers that “the baby is in the woman's body, but it is not part of the woman's body” and that is why the Colombian State must provide all the guarantees to that being.

-The baby- is another different being and is a valuable being for society on an ethical, moral and legal level. That position for us that one can decide to kill another is the beginning of the end of values and the destruction of society,” he added.

Even the director of Salvation Nacional believes that in Colombia there is an abortion movement that, supposedly, has taken advantage of promoting abortion clinics in the country and that is why if it wins the elections it will make abortion legal only under the three grounds set out above: danger to the physical or mental health of the women; malformation of the fetus and cases of violent carnal access.

“Psychological trauma as a ground for murdering a child who is about to be born. (...) I don't think that clandestinity is the factor that is affecting these mothers. That is the Trojan horse that has generated the abortion movement in the country,” says the candidate, who attributes the increase in teenage pregnancies to a truism:

He even announced the strategies he would make in relation to abortion and to women who propose this alternative to not being a mother. “The solution is not to kill the one who is about to be born. What you need is to give it management. We must support these women who have adolescent or preadolescent pregnancies. Nor can older women come to say now that they are not responsible for their sexuality and that is why they have the right to murder the life that is here inside their bodies,” she said.

The full interview here.