Stephanie Cayo confesses that Salvador del Solar was her first childhood love: “I liked him a lot”

The Peruvian actress revealed that the remembered actor of “Pantaleon and his visitors” captivated her when she was 9 years old.


Stephanie Cayo, star of the film “Until we meet again”, he continues to talk about because of the latest appearances he has had on Netflix Latin America's social networks. This time, the beautiful Peruvian actress underwent a fun segment of the streaming giant.

After being criticized for confusing Peruvian slang, the platform ignored the comments and uploaded a new video to promote the directed film by Bruno Ascenzo. Stephanie was responsible for answering fun questions about her first time in different areas of her life.

When asked who had been her first “crush” with a famous Peruvian, the Cayo family member nervously replied that it was Salvador del Solar, actor, film director and former Minister of Culture. Popularly remembered by the Peruvian public for his participation in the film “Pantaleon and his visitors”.

“When I was little... I worked on television since I was three years old and then at nine I made my first children's soap opera. I remember being on the same channel as an actor that I really liked because I watched him on TV. His name is Salvador del Solar, said the actress.

On the other hand, the singer and dancer said that the first Peruvian dish she tried was rice with tuna tortilla. In addition, the first musical he witnessed was the “Torbellino”, a band that was composed of his sisters Bárbara and Fiorella Cayo. And that she was proud of Peru when she traveled to Colombia and realized that national soap operas were very attuned.

It should be noted that Stephanie Cayo, 33, has a loving relationship with Spanish actor Maxi Iglesias, whom she met during filming from “Until We Meet Again.” The couple confirmed their relationship through a tender Instagram post. The Peruvian actress divorced Chad Campbell since the beginning of 2021.


The national artist has been the target of criticism not only starring in the film “Until we meet again”, but also because of a peculiar confusion she committed in a promotional video for Netflix Latin America, which quickly went viral on TikTok.

The member of the Cayo family tried to encourage users to learn a little more about the dialect that is usually used in our country. How? Explaining the most commonly used Peruvian slangs such as, for example, “avocado”, “ya”, “asu mare” and “al toque”. However, nothing went as expected.

When he had to interpret the expression “avocado”, a fruit that is popularly known in other countries as “avocado” and which is widely used as a complement in national dishes, Cayo said the following: “We call avocado to someone who is bored. So, we say 'hey don't be avocado, well, 'or 'don't make avocados on your head, calm down, relax.'”

As expected, it didn't take long for netizens to criticize the Peruvian actress for not knowing the meaning of a fairly common slang. “Like when you pretend you have a street”, “That I know avocado is like saying shame” and “This video is good avocado”, were some comments on the platform.

Later, she was criticized for assuring that Pachamanca is a typical dish of the Peruvian highlands and also a payment to the land. Again, the answer that Stephanie Cayo gave was not liked by many Peruvians, who indicated that the actress was mistaken in her word, since what she wanted to explain about paying the land was Pachamama.