Prisoner who escaped from prison in Itagüí recaptured

The prisoner had served more than half of his sentence, but now he will be added to the crime of escaping prisoners




This Monday, March 21, the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (INPEC) assured that they recaptured inmate Andrés Oswaldo Gutiérrez, who had escaped from La Paz prison, located in Itagüi, Antioquia, last Sunday.

The entity became aware of Gutiérrez's absence during the process of verifying the inmates and from that very moment it began its search. “The staff of INPEC, after the discovery of their escape, reacted jointly and spared no effort with their location and subsequent recapture,” said Luis Alberto Pinzón Zamora, national secretary of the Union of Prison Workers of Colombia (UTP).

On Monday afternoon, the fugitive was recaptured in the Calatrava sector, in the same town of Itagüi, as Pinzón Zamora commented.

Before the escape, Gutiérrez was imprisoned for the crime of a concert to commit a crime and was serving a seven-year sentence in Antioquia prison. “The prisoner had already served more than half of his sentence and was in a phase of minimal security,” Inpec explained in a press release.

The reason behind the reduction of his vigilance was due to the fact that the prisoner was awaiting the response from the judge of execution of sentences, “to receive the benefit of house detention or probation”. With the recapture, those guarantees that Gutiérrez expected to accede to were complicated, because now he will have to face the crime of escaping prisoners. “Disciplinary and/or criminal sanctions will be applied,” said Inpec through its social networks.

Gutierrez's Escape

The penitentiary stated that his departure was due to a “sentimental situation”, according to preliminary inquiries into the case; however, they did not elaborate on the matter.

For his part, El Colombiano said that a human rights defender of persons deprived of liberty reported on social networks that Gutiérrez had been caught by prison guards using a cell phone, so he would have decided to flee.

Meanwhile, El Espectador reported that Inpec received a first alert with an audio warning of Gutiérrez's absence. “Cucho, yes, there is an intern missing, to that man who is called Z. It does not appear anywhere, already here they found a broken one on the sides of the perimeter mesh”, was heard in the voice clip. For its part, the Penitentiary and Prison Institute maintains that Andrés Oswaldo Gutiérrez is not alias Z.

The controversy with Inpec

Last Friday, news surprised the country and the international community when they learned that alias Matamba, the extraditable right-hand man of the Gulf Clan leader, had escaped. In the first instance it was believed that he was in another pavilion at a clandestine party. But then they realized it was another subject and in the morning they finished confirming that the drug trafficker had escaped wearing Inpec garments.

The fact in generating several allegations and suspicions against the security scheme of La Picota prison. On social networks, they recalled the recent scandal where Carlos Mattos was deprived of liberty, who was deprived of liberty, was shown walking freely in Bogotá, even having meetings from his office located in the north of the city.

Faced with the controversy, 55 dragonists from the prison precinct were suspended and investigations will be opened, among them the director of La Picota, Javier Papa and deputy director Óscar Murrillo. In the escape that ended with Matamba leaving prison passing as a security guard, it is presumed that they handed out bribes worth 10 billion pesos.


