Karla Díaz exhibited for selling sweater from Chinese store almost twice

JNS member sells “Pinky Promise” sweaters that can be found much cheaper in a famous fast-fashion retail store




A new controversy related to finance involves Karla Díaz, who on Monday afternoon, March 21, was sharply pointed out on social networks for selling a new product in her official online store at a price that almost doubles the price of a Chinese fashion distribution store.

The JNS member took advantage of the lockdown period in 2020 to launch her YouTube show Pinky Promise, where she serves as a host. To her talk show and dynamics, the singer from Encarla de amor has invited personalities from the digital and entertainment world, so she has gone viral with some controversial statements.

That is why the host has gained more subscriptions to her YouTube channel in recent months, so it represents an opportunity to capitalize on them in her favor as well. This was reported by people on social networks who highlighted that the green sweater with the caption Pinky Promise is not an original design of the Karla Díaz team, but pieces made in series in the Chinese store Shein.

Karla Diaz
The cost in the Pinky Shop is 980 pesos plus shipping Photo: Screenshot

The price of the garment in Karlita's 'Pinky Shop' is 1,350 pesos, while in the famous online fast fashion retail store, the sweater sells for 543 pesos, a fact that unleashed the fury of some pinkylovers, as the famous one calls her followers.

“Want to do your August in March” was one of the criticisms that added a thread with screenshots of the prices recorded in both online stores. The almost 50% lower cost was what outraged the community of viewers of his program, where personalities such as Roberto Palazuelos and Paulina Rubio have attended.

At the moment, the former driver of La Más Draga has not issued any comments on the subject for which they call her 'carera and abusiva' for the price of 980 pesos plus shipping, when in the other store it costs just over 500 pesos and they are “line” garments, not official or exclusive products.

Karla Diaz
Karla Diaz's sweater can be found in Shein Photo: Screenshot

It is not the first time that the singer has been involved in a similar matter, because in July 2021, she was harshly singled out for selling glasses for 1,600 pesos.

The article of four models to choose from: “Unicorn Glitter”, “Unicorn Gold”, “Unicorn Rose Gold” and “Unicorn Black offers the possibility of personalizing them with a letter to “make them much more cute”.

After the publication on social networks of the announcement of the sale of the articles, the reactions were not long in coming, since their price ranges from $1,699 to $1,799 pesos, an amount that the vast majority of “Pinky Lovers” considered excessive considering that these are plastic cups and it is not specified whether truly have thermal capacity.

The large number of negative comments on their respective Instagram post stands out above that of those interested in acquiring a Pinky Termo:

Karla Diaz
The JNS member has opted for silence in the face of her controversies (Photo: Pinky Promise)

“I better buy three at Starbucks”, “They can make them and they get cheaper because 1,600 is an exaggeration”, “Where do they get the diamonds?” , “1,700 for all four or how?” , “And don't you lose the price?” , “Seriously, what stupid, 1,800 for a glass?” , “You scratched it Karlita, it is cheaper for me to do it myself and with a good, original stone that shines, but good” are just some comments that are read in the publication.

Meanwhile, other users inevitably brought to account the crime in which the host was involved on June 5, when in the middle of the electoral ban, she used her social networks to proselytize in favor of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico. The case generated a stir and influencers hired by the party were repudiated by public opinion, including “Karlita”.


