José José's son reacted to a young man who tried to make a tequila from his father: “It was very easy for him”

Recently, Anel Noreña also showed his dislike for the student's entrepreneurship


The conflict between a young student from the Higher Technological Institute of Fresnillo and José José's family seems to be increasing, as José Joel broke the silence on the attempt that this person made to launch a brand of tequila with the name of the Mexican interpreter.

Since the past, Anel Noreña, ex-wife of the singer of hits such as 40 and 20 or El Triste, had already expressed her displeasure at the boy's intentions to use the name José José for something related to alcohol.

“Alcohol undid our lives. I'm not interested, the names are mine. Although he paid, they stole his money, with that I tell you everything. They're not going to give him the brand or anything and he got into a legal mess,” Anel said in a recent interview for Ventaneando's program.

José José's children try to maintain their father's legacy (PHOTO: SAÚL LÓPEZ /CUARTOSCURO.COM)

At the same time, he added that he found the young man's attitude very unsensitive, since the effects that alcohol and addictive substances had on José José's life are public knowledge.

“Of course nothing belongs to the young man, even if he has paid for it, they are not going to give it to them, the brand is mine. He is a very irresponsible boy and even disrespectful because as you will understand I am not going to put José José on any wine, tequila or anything that has alcohol,” said Anel Noreña.

So, on this occasion it was José Joel, son of the interpreter, who also came out to give his opinion on the matter and mentioned that he would do everything necessary to protect his father's legacy.

José José with Anel started a family with José Joel and Marysol (Photo: Ventaneando)
José José with Anel started a family with José Joel and Marysol (Photo: Ventaneando)

We want to think that in a naive way it was very easy for him to say 'José José and tequila go hand in hand, 'but no. That's where we have to keep organizing and ordering, all these people who want to do things by good law, we talk about it,” he said to Ventaneando.

He also delved into the fact that the person involved should understand that the name of José José cannot be used indiscriminately, since all rights in this regard are marked in a will.

“This little boy was told that it is necessary to understand that there is a probate succession, and that as of now, Mrs. Anel and the family have the name, trademark and registration. It's nothing more than 'I came up with, 'he added.

The singer José José suffered from alcoholism (Photo: Instagram @josejoseoficial)

José Joel took advantage of the moment to emphasize that both he and his family would do everything in their power to keep his father's legacy clean and, although he accepted that the singer from Gavilán Paloma went through difficult moments throughout his life, he added that that did not detract from how good a person he was.

“All in one order. It is up to us to continue with that same beautiful and clean legacy of José José. Although he had his flats and everyone knows him, he as an artist, as a person, got ten. We continue to seek and defend the family standard,” he said.

It should be remembered that the performer of El Triste was an alcoholic for 30 years and used cocaine to stay more or less sober during the days of his concert. In several interviews, he reported that he had only blurred memories of the 90s, 91 and 92s, the time when he went through his divorce with Anel, the mother of his first children, and came to live in a taxi with other addicts.


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