After the resignation of Oscar Iván Zuluaga as presidential candidate of the Democratic Center and that, for now, the party will remain in limbo for the elections that will define the next head of state, on the morning of Tuesday, March 22, the poll was launched to define the politician who will represent them in the first round of May.
Through the official Twitter account of the Government's Uribist party, the party's advisory committee, including Miguel Uribe, Paloma Valencia, María Fernanda Cabal, Alirio Barrera and Óscar Darío Pérez, posed the questions that will be answered by the more than 600,000 members of the Democratic Center to choose their candidate.
The interesting thing about the form, which will reach the emails of all party members, is that to the multiple-choice question of “who do you think should be the candidate who receives the support of the Democratic Center?” there are aspirants of all ideologies, from the center, the right and even those who do not perceive themselves under any of these political shores.
However, the Uribistas took into account most of the candidates who aspire to become President, except for the one currently leading the intention to vote in the presidential polls, Senator Gustavo Petro, official candidate of the Historical Pact.
In the choices that the Uribista politicians made are Federico Gutiérrez, Rodolfo Hernández, Enrique Gómez, Ingrid Betancourt, Jhon Milton Rodríguez, Sergio Fajardo and none of the above.
Likewise, they gave the opportunity to those who will answer the form to choose another applicant who is not on the list; such as those who aspire independently such as Luis Pérez, Enrique Gómez or some other character in national politics.
In fact, as detailed by several national portals, the Democratic Center will not only take into account the opinion of its militants, but will also evaluate the decision with the adepts of Uribism and the currents that allowed Iván Duque to become president.
Among the questions, it also seeks to highlight the positions that those who identify with Uribism have on temporary and pragmatic issues such as security, dialogues with guerrillas such as the ELN, the idea of creating tax reform and lowering taxes, among other topics that will concern the next Government.
-Democratic security, the fight against drug trafficking and the eradication of illicit crops.
-Social policy to overcome poverty and hunger.
-The reduction of taxes and formalization of employment.
-The fight against corruption.
-Decrease in bureaucracy.
-Environmental policy.
-Employment, entrepreneurship and education.
-Microcredit and seed capital.
-Agricultural development.
-Negotiation with the ELN.
It should be noted that several Uribi congressmen and figures representing the party with which Duque won the elections in 2018, have expressed their unrestricted support for Federico Gutiérrez, the official candidate of the Team for Colombia.
Some of those who have already made public their support for the former mayor of Medellín in the first round are Ernesto Macias, Edward Rodríguez, Ruby Chagüi, Santiago Valencia and Nicolás Pérez; however, there is nothing definite so far.
In the election of who will represent them in the electoral contest, the natural head of the Democratic Center, Álvaro Uribe asked that the opinion of the two-time presidential candidate, Oscar Iván Zuluaga and his vice-presidential formula, be taken into consideration — when Zuluaga made the personal decision to renounce his aspiration — Alicia Eugenia Silva.
During the same meeting, which was broadcast on social networks and was accompanied by the press, each of the five elected leaders had the opportunity to express their opinion to the rest of the management on issues such as Zuluaga's resignation, the times when the militant survey should be conducted and the mea culpa with which Uribe opened the meeting.