How to ripen fruits naturally

It has been known for some time that bananas ripen faster if they are next to fruits such as apples. According to an initiative by the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture, there are several other foods that can produce this effect.

It has been known for some time that bananas ripen faster if they are next to fruits such as apples. According to an initiative by the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture, there are several other foods that can produce this effect.

Ethylene is called the gaseous organic compound that some fruits and vegetables develop during the ripening process and that can accelerate this process in other neighboring fruits and vegetables. In addition to apples, it is also issued by avocados (avocados), pears, peaches (peaches), plums and tomatoes.

But not all foods ripen faster on ethylene. Those that react most sensitively to this gas are cabbage, lettuce, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms, cucumbers and spinach as well as bananas.

While in lettuces or cabbages the acceleration of the ripening process is less desired, in other fruits or vegetables it can be used. Those who, for example, want to enjoy their bananas or mangoes still green before, should place them next to an avocado or tomato.
