Gaby Spanic won legal battle against Gustavo Adolfo Infante: “I don't have to pay”

The actress would have had to compensate the communicator because of the lawsuit she filed against him for moral damage


The lawsuit that Gaby Spanic filed against Gustavo Adolfo Infante for moral damage and which the journalist had already won, took a turn on Tuesday, as the actress announced that she would not have to pay compensation.

On the afternoon of Tuesday, March 22, Gabriela Spanic announced that a final judgment was given in the lawsuit she filed against Gustavo Adolfo Infante three years ago, which the journalist won more than a year ago.

In an interview with Moments Telenovela, the protagonist of La Usurpadora explained that now, thanks to this new decision, she will not have to pay any compensation to Infante.

gaby spanic in if they leave us
Spanic assured that the statements made by Infante against her affected her psychologically and professionally (Photo: People en Español)

The histrionist celebrated this decision and defended her rights as a public figure, assuring that there is no reason for anyone to defame her or affect her image in front of her audience and family.

A microphone in your hand, does that give you power? I believe that (although) we are public figures, we do not have to accept from any media, or anyone else, that we are maligned. They called me 'deranged', that I invent things”, recalled the actress.

She added that the authorities were initially not listening to her, which caused the headline of De Primera to win the lawsuit, however, she fought to make it clear that not because she is a public figure he ceases to be a person.

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Gustavo Adolfo had announced that Spanic would have to pay him about 400,000 pesos as compensation (Photo: Twitter)

“I think this is a very important precedent because a public figure doesn't mean that we don't feel, that we don't suffer, that we don't cry, that we don't have a family; we are sensitive, we are artists, so there could be psychological and also occupational effects,” Spanic emphasized.

He also thanked his lawyer and Sergio Mayer for the support they provided him through this process. She also said she felt supported by her peers and her fans, who created a campaign to support her.

In 2020, Gustavo Adolfo revealed that Gaby Spanic had lost the first two instances of the lawsuit he filed against him, so he requested an amparo that was not in his favor either and a judge ordered him to pay the entertainment journalist for all the expenses and costs related to the process.

According to Infante, the actress would have had to pay her 374,000 Mexican pesos, and since she did not want to pay the compensation, the presenter assured that she could be seized. Gustavo Adolfo mentioned on several occasions that he did not want the money for him, but would hand it over to an association of children with cancer.

The actress was protected by the judiciary and shared the official documents (Photos: Instagram/ @gabyspanictv)

Another turn occurred due to statements by the head of Sale el Sol about the alleged embargo, as the CDMX judiciary intervened in a petition by the actress to stop the use of gender-based violence. Therefore, on March 10, Spanic announced that measures were taken to protect it.

In the document handed to him by the judiciary, it was read that due to the request, “protective measures will be taken with the purpose of preventing, interrupting or preventing the consummation of a crime or updating a case in civil or family matters involving violence against women”.