Drug violence in Rosario: 30 shots were shot at a drug bunker that was already shot more than ten times

The house is located in the Tablada neighborhood, in the south of the city. Last week another home was attacked with more than 60 shots




Drug violence in Rosario doesn't stop. This time, it was a hail of bullets.

A house on Chacabuco Street in the Tablada neighborhood, in the southern area was attacked with more than 30 gunshots on Monday night, police sources confirmed to Infobae. The assassins were traveling in a white Honda Civic without a patent that was pursued by the Gendarmerie, but which was lost from sight in Gutierrez and South Access of the city. The home, suspected of being a drug kiosk, was shot more than ten times from 2019 onwards.

The blast occurred minutes before 21 o'clock this Monday, when the car opened fire on the house. At that time, there were people on the street, even boys on the sidewalk, researchers say. At the scene, Gendarmerie personnel kidnapped 32 served pods and interviewed the owner of the house, Carina Verónica A., 50 years old. It is presumed that the aggressors used a machine gun for the number of shots in a short period of time.

Five blocks from last night's shooting, March 14, there was a similar event. Gunmen from a motorcycle fired multiple shots at a property on Boulevard Seguí al 200 bis and fled. At the scene, 68 pods were seized served in two different calibers, 9 millimeters and 4.5, so it is suspected that they used two different weapons. That place had already been the subject of an episode in early February, when the owner filed a complaint for having received extortions to leave his house.


In the case of last night's attack, when reviewing the incidents at the Chacabuco management, the Santa Fe Police found a curious fact: it had been the scene of shootings since 2019 and even its owner had been injured in one of the attacks. However, women are not involved in criminal cases for the sale of drugs or for any other crime.

The first of the records of that home was dated October 13, 2019, when he was shot ten times — that many pods were seized — three of which hit the façade. The second was on November 8 of that year, when several shots were made and curiously, a single pod was found served.

On March 2, 2020, the house in the Tablada neighborhood was attacked again. In contrast to the previous events, the alleged perpetrators were apprehended on board motorcycle. They wore among their garments five papers with extortive notes — usually used by Los Monos — that said: “Talk to me at this number. You don't screw with the mafia (This is not coke)”.

In that episode in March 2020, the delays were 27 and 15 years old. Three shells hit the façade and nine the shells served that were on the ground.


Months later, the bullets came back. It was on August 11, 2020, when the owner of the house was shot in the left foot and left intercostal. In that attack, 13 pods were found served. Several testimonies pointed to the woman for alleged sale of narcotic drugs.

As early as October 2020, Fabian A., a relative of the owner, was shot in that house in the south, which in turn was also shot several times. On January 20 of last year, Verónica A. was shot again. In this case, on the right leg. But to the attack was added the hijacking of a Spanish Expal EA M-5 grenade.

Between April 22 and September 24 of last year, that direction was the target of five more shootings. On 4 June, a man was shot three times in the legs at the door of the house and said it was in the context of an alleged attempted robbery.

The last event, prior to yesterday's, was on 24 September, when a relative of Carina A. suffered gunshot wounds to the scalp (by rubbing), chest and left leg. The victim was also linked to a man who was under investigation for two homicides in December 2018 in Rosario.


