“Can you imagine the first Afro Colombian blonde?” : Elizabeth Loaiza sparks controversy by trill about her recognition

This issue is the result of the controversy that took place with the seat of negritudes that Miguel Polo Polo initially managed to win, who assured that “there should be no distinction by race, we deserve equal treatment before the law”


The controversy of the seat that Miguel Polo Polo initially managed to achieve with the help of the citizen vote is still very recent, the same one that he later lost with the counts that have been advanced on the elections of March 13. The candidate for an Afro seat, and later winner of it, was the focus of the debate because, those who were against his election, said that he did not represent them. Parallel to that scandal, model Elizabeth Loaiza made a comment that networks have described as unfortunate: she calls herself an Afro woman.

It is not difficult, at first glance, to recognize that women are not part of the Afro-descendant population of the country, on the contrary, they are white, blond and light-eyed women. “I have always perceived afro myself. Who can give me the guarantee? I'm serious. Can you imagine the first Colombian blonde, Afro? I only need the most beautiful thing they have and that is color,” he commented on his Twitter account. Not only has she been branded as racist, but she is also accused of mocking years of history in which black populations, even until now, have been victims of discrimination and segregation because of their skin color.

Although the negative comments stand out from the trill made by the model, there are those who defend her. Some argue that this is sarcasm and that it is a way of criticizing what happened with Polo Polo; and others say that it is not possible to deny the model who, being born in Colombia, has Afro ancestry.

“Not my queen. It's not that easy. You don't share our history, or our territory, let alone our problems. You can't assume Afro from privilege. You are not going to be run around by supremacist groups to stab you (as happened to me in Popayán) or you will be ignored by taxis like that you wear a coat and tie (as happens to me in Bogotá) or the police will stop you to requisition you from among 20 people,” commented one of the users who disagreed with the model who was a candidate for the Bogotá Council in 2019.

Elizabeth Loaiza
Elizabeth Loaiza

Elizabeth Loaiza, so far, has not spoken about that triune, on the contrary, she has been sharing images and videos that reveal her political opinions. The model is a supporter of presidential candidate Federico Gutiérrez, and often questions the opposite party, represented by candidate Gustavo Petro. In fact, recently, after the protests carried out by hooded men inside the Primate Cathedral of Bogotá, he claimed that it was Petro's followers who behaved that way. “I'm not Petrista but, I wonder: Why do his “followers” almost always do these things? Incited by whom?” , he wrote.

It should be remembered that Miguel Polo Polo, according to the results verified by the counting committees, was overtaken in votes by Lina Martínez, the daughter of the 'parapolitical' Juan Carlos Martínez Sinisterra. Last Sunday, March 13, on election day, it was reported that Polo Polo had 35,253 votes and that Lina Martínez had 34,308 votes.

Polo Polo's argument for justifying his participation in this place was similar to that set out by the Colombian model. Like her, she stressed that there is some afro in it. “The Afro issue, we all have afro, for me it is important to show that in Colombia everyone is equal, there should be no distinction by race, we deserve equal treatment before the law,” he told the station.

“In Buenaventura yesterday the ballot ended and everything was normal, and today when the result of it is raised to the system, 1,500 votes appear for the daughter of the negro Martínez. We are going to demand a table by table recount,” said the candidate upon learning of his opponent's announced victory over him. “The biggest fraud in the history of Colombia and President Iván Duque does nothing. Thousands of people who voted for me say that their votes do not appear at the tables,” he added.

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