A man broke a bottle of beer in the face of a woman who refused to get her a drink

For the events, which were recorded in the department of Boyacá, the victim received 40 stitches on his face and another on his head. The authorities are looking for the aggressor


The inhabitants of the municipality of Santana, in Boyacá, are outraged after a new case of violence against a woman was reported. This time, the victim was identified as Karoll Sofía Duarte Soto, a mother head of the family who was assaulted with a bottle of beer on her face by a stranger, after she refused to receive him a drink of alcoholic drink, that's how Noticias Caracol knew him.

As the young woman told the Bogota news program, while she was working in a panela winery in the municipality, a man offered her a drink of beer, which she refused because she was working hours.

Duarte's refusal disturbed the stranger, which led him to break the bottle of alcoholic drink in the woman's face, a fact that was recorded in one of the videos on the security camera of the panela winery.

The impact on Duarte's face was of such magnitude that, according to Caracol News, he needed a surgical intervention. According to the young woman, 40 stitches were placed on her cheekbone, while on her head she received another four.

After the events, witnesses informed the Bogotá news program that, although there were also other women in the space who were being offered alcoholic beverages, the only one attacked was Karoll Sofía Duarte. Likewise, they announced that, after attacking the young mother head of the family, the subject ran out of the place and then fled in a vehicle.

For his part, the victim's father, Jeffer David Duarte, asked for justice before the media's cameras: “Anyone who has to pay to pay because, well, that is not reproachable for arriving and hurting the face of a girl, a woman,” said the girl's relative.

The commander of the Boyacá Police, Colonel Heinar Giovany Puentes, informed Noticias Caracol that the case has already been reported by the victim to the Attorney General's Office, which, in turn, is being prioritized by the departmental authorities.

Duarte also informed the media that the Public Prosecutor's Office is also investigating whether other women have been assaulted by this man because, according to her, another young woman told her that the subject had caused her an abortion after beating her while intoxicated while she was pregnant.

Commission for the Equity of Women warns of differences in femicide figures in Colombia
Reference image. In January 2022, cases of violence against women increased by 29.6% in Colombia compared to the same time period in 2021. Photo: Colprensa

At the beginning of March, the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences revealed that, during January 2022, 6,280 women were assaulted in Colombia, representing a 29.6% increase over the same period of time in 2021, that is, 1,438 more reported cases.

According to the Legal Medicine report, of this total number of victims, 2,914 women suffered domestic violence, of which 2,144 were assaulted by their romantic partners. In addition, 1,611 of these cases involved interpersonal violence.

The cities reported with the highest rate of violence against women were Bogotá, with 902 cases; Medellín, with 263 cases; Barranquilla, with 127; Cali, with 115; Villavicencio, with 115, and Ibague, with 73 attacks.

Faced with the worrying figures, the Ombudsman, Carlos Camargo, called on Colombians to “respect women and girls in all settings, protect their rights and ensure that they can reach their full potential; placing special emphasis on the search for mechanisms that will allow an end to all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls”.

