With tutelas, Alianza Verde - Centro Esperanza joins the requests for a total vote count

Some members of the collective call for this process to be carried out for greater transparency of the process


Since last Sunday, March 13, when the elections for the Congress of the Republic were held in Colombia and the consultations of the various coalitions to elect the presidential candidates, social networks became the scene of different denunciations.

On digital platforms, users assured that on election day many could not vote because their identity document was not registered; from the outside some people said that when they came to vote there was already a record of voting with their document; and as in the elections four years ago they were reported anomalies on forms E-14.

The irregularities would cause Historic Pact, Green Alliance Coalition - Hope Center, the New Liberalism and other movements to lose a large number of votes. The issue has once again divided the left and the right, because on the one hand they demand that 20 seats be granted to the Senate to the Historical Pact, which would have already secured 19 senators; and on the other hand, the right asks that it be verified why almost 400,000 votes appeared for the coalition of the left while its movements have lost two seats.

Due to this lengthy dispute and the inconveniences brought by Senator Antonio Sanguino, a representative of the Green Alliance who did not get enough votes to re-elect under the precount, he filed a guardianship with the Administrative Court of Cundinamarca to suspend the counting process arguing that his rights should be protected fundamental to election and to be elected, to political participation and to know the electoral truth.

“A guardianship action that seeks first of all to suspend the scrutiny and, secondly, to advance a new recount of the tables where countless irregularities have been detected and where the differences between the figures of the pre-count with the E-14s have become evident,” the senator said about the legal action he filed.

The senator, who has been known for using his space in Congress to lead different political control initiatives, also added that it is important for the presidential elections to be given greater control and that electoral guarantees are provided to all sectors.

“The first and second presidential rounds require auditing of the software, new witnesses and Ad-hoc Registrar in order to have real guarantees of a result that corresponds to reality and is not under the cover of doubt of the electoral fraud that we have seen in the legislatures advanced on March 13,” concluded Sanguino.

Another one who joined the call for a vote count was Green Hope's top list, Humberto de la Calle, who through his official Twitter account called for “the electoral truth to shine”.

“Juan Lozano asks for total recount. There is no argument against it. We need the electoral truth to shine. I was triumphant in the pre-count, but I prefer defeat to a suspicious credential. Total count is what is good for Colombia,” noted the former chief negotiator of the Havana peace accords.

Let us remember that Juan Lozano wrote a column for the El Tiempo newspaper that he called “Reconteo ya... total reconteo” and in this one he explained the need for votes to be recounted so that the credibility of the institutions does not fall.

“It is preferable to delay another week if necessary, and to carry out a thorough, public, total, transparent and monitored physical recount of all the votes that are required. The electoral law allows it. And Colombia cannot be sent to the first and second round with this dark shadow,” wrote the former minister.

