The crime of the financier in Almagro: an armchair, a refrigerator and a body shot in the chest

Carlos Walter Molina (34) was killed in an apartment on 3700 Diaz Velez Avenue, where he had been summoned by a client to make a money transaction


When they entered apartment “C” on the 10th floor of a building located on Avenida Díaz Vélez at 3700, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Almagro, the City police found the place completely empty, except for an armchair and a refrigerator. There, under circumstances that are still under investigation, was the body of Carlos Walter Molina, the 34-year-old financier who was missing since Friday. He had been shot dead in the chest.

“The experts who examined the body this Sunday morning determined that he had been dead for more than three hours,” sources of the investigation told Infobae. It later emerged that he was the financier whom his family had been reported missing on Friday night.

Investigators were able to reconstruct that Molina had been summoned by a woman, whose identity is still unknown, to carry out a money transaction. The man, who for some years had a financial company, arrived at the place aboard his car and left him parked a few meters from the building. Afterwards, he didn't give any signs again.

It was in this context that his family made the complaint by ascertaining his whereabouts. Then, personnel from the 5A Neighborhood Commissary of the City Police received an order from the Criminal and Correctional Prosecutor's Office No. 36, led by Marcelo Munilla Lacasa, to go to the place where the financier had been summoned.

Once inside the apartment, where there was only an armchair and a refrigerator, the officers found Molina dead with a shot in the chest: next to him was a scabbard and a projectile. “He had his wallet on him with his documents. In addition, in the car, 98 thousand pesos were found,” sources with access to the file entrusted to this media outlet.

Almagro crime
The building in Díaz Vélez at 3700, in Almagro, where the body of Carlos Walter Molina was found

At the moment there are no defendants or suspects in custody. “No one heard or saw anything. However, people who might have some information were summoned to give testimony to the police station,” they told this media outlet close to the cause.

Meanwhile, the investigation led by prosecutor Munilla Lacasa seek to find some security cameras in the area that allow them to get some clue. In addition, the financier's cell phone was ordered to be inspected and, most importantly, to establish who owns the apartment. “This is just beginning,” the same sources said.

FINANCIER - Carlos Walter Molina
Molina worked as a customs broker, had a degree in Foreign Trade and, for some years, had a financial one with several clients

María Belén Pérez Orue, Molina's partner, told Télam that the last contact she had with him was on Friday, November 19 “around 16″ and that since 18:00 he no longer answered his messages and calls. “We checked the computer and saw that he had looked up the address of that building on Google Maps. We went to the place and it took 16 hours to enter (...) maybe if they entered earlier they could have a different picture”, lamented the woman.

Pérez Orue said that his partner worked as a customs broker, that he had a degree in Foreign Trade and that for some years he had a financial company with several clients and taught courses on where and how to invest money. Regarding the woman he was meeting on Friday afternoon, Molina had described her as “a good customer” and told her that he had presented her with “a good job opportunity.”

She told me about this client, she was a woman, but I don't know if she had seen her before, she didn't mention it to me,” Perez said.

FINANCISTA - Carlos Walter Molina with his partner
The murdered young man and his girlfriend

When asked by Infobae, the woman excused herself from talking and shared an image of her with her partner. Hours earlier, he made a sense of downloading on networks. “I received more than 200 messages from acquaintances of my partner asking me what happened, how it was and details of what happened. I just want to tell you that we haven't been able to fire him yet, that he's under investigation and we can't disseminate any kind of evidence. We are going through a very difficult time. We're shattered. Please don't ask any more questions, thank you,” he wrote on his Facebook profile.

Earlier, Mary, the financier's mother, told Cronica TV that they suspect the building manager because she told the police that the department where the crime was committed was uninhabited.

“We suspected the manager because the door of the apartment was not locked: it opened with a handle and the manager approached it to the police. I had said before that it was uninhabited,” recalled the mother of the deceased. The woman, in a fit of tears, asked for “Justice” for her son: “I need an answer. They took away the most valuable thing in my life, my only baby,” he lamented.

