Juan Diego Alvira was awarded at the India Catalina: he regretted not being able to take the stage to thank his daughter

In November 2021, the presenter of Noticias Caracol was named one of the most influential Colombians by the consultancy firm Babel


On the night of Sunday, March 20, in Cartagena, the India Catalina Awards were presented, which aim to pay tribute to the best of Colombian work in film, television and digital platforms. Juan Diego Alvira, journalist and presenter of Noticias Caracol, won the award in the category of best presenter.

Although he wanted to give his thank-you speech by the hand of his daughter, he was not able to do so and regretted not succeeding. “Thanks to my beautiful daughter, who is sitting there and I wanted her to be here to tell Caracol's viewers that thank you very much,” said the communicator. It should be noted that this situation was not seen in the transmission of the award by Señal Colombia, because this award was awarded before the start of the broadcast.

Through his Instagram account, he thanked, along with his wife, for those who voted for him to become the winner of his category. “Hello everyone, I want to share with the fans this beautiful India Catalina award. We are here in Cartagena, swollen with emotion of joy, it is a prize from you, for you, and for you. I really do. Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he commented in a video, alongside his wife, Ana María Escobar.

During the past week, Alvira shared a compilation of her appearances on Noticias Caracol and announced that she was nominated for the prestigious awards. “Hello! I am very happy about this nomination for the India Catalina Awards, if you want to vote for me I will leave the link to the page in the stories. Thank you all,” he said.

In November 2021, Juan Diego Alvira was named one of the most influential Colombians by the consultancy firm Babel. The Ibaguera, according to the study done by the company, ranked seventh in the list of characters. Above all, Daneidy Barrera, known as 'Epa Colombia', the late writer Gabriel García Márquez and former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez stood out. In the same way, the names of Arturo Calle, Manuel Elkin Patarroyo and Mariana Pajón stood out.

In his work as a journalist, Juan Diego Alvira has become a trend on several occasions. When talking about the communicator, it is not difficult to remember when, on air, on national television, he called the then ICT minister, Karen Abudinen, on her cell phone when the scandal of the 70 billion pesos of Centros Populados just broke out.

“I'm going to call her, here, live and live, you are all going to be witnesses,” said Alvira after mentioning that the official, who resigned after the controversy, had promised to answer her phone to answer her questions if she did not fulfill her plans in the portfolio she headed. The phone rang several times but Alvira had no answer.

This was not the only particular moment in which the journalist was involved. In January of this year, he had an exchange of allegations with the prosecutor Francisco Barbosa. The journalist invited the official and the entity to be just as effective in solving crimes in the country as they did with the double homicide of Mauricio Leal and his mother, Marleny Hernández.

We definitely welcome the investigative action of the Prosecutor's Office in this case, which yielded this important result, but why are other investigations such as massacres, murders of ordinary citizens and hundreds of corruption cases that are still unsolved? What is the matter, why is there not this same speed?” , questioned Alvira.

“For Juan Diego Alvira, from Caracol, I refer him to study a little bit what we do in the Prosecutor's Office because there cannot be such unfortunate phrases and such unfortunate questions at this time,” Barbosa said in response to Alvira's denunciation.

After being 'sent to study', Alvira released a new comment against the prosecutor. Although he did not mention his name, he pointed to a detail that directly involved him. “I forgot, and it was also quickly shelved, the investigation against a senior official for alleged embezzlement of public money in the face of a controversial trip to San Andrés. In the spirit of not being a revanchist, I am not going to mention the name,” he said.

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