India Catalina Awards 2022: winners, surprises and controversies

A sharp drop, curious messages and some disagreements are some of the components of version 38 of the awards


Quite particular was the 38th edition of the India Catalina Awards, whose gala was held on the evening of last Sunday, March 20, within the framework of the Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival (FICCI).

On the one hand, the attendees witnessed the blow that occurred to the woman in charge of receiving the statuette for 'Best Soap Opera or Series', given to 'Emma Reyes, the imprint of the childhood '(Signal Colombia, Consortium Quinto Color and CM&).

While after delivering all the 39 categories that recognize the best of national television, the controversy among the public was not lacking for what, in his opinion, were some “injustices”.

'The Queen of Flow', for example, was one of the productions that generated the most controversy, because despite having had the best audience at the time, it did not win the India Catalina Award for 'Best Telenovela or Series'.

Some decisions about MasterChef Celebrity also caused a bitter taste among viewers, considering that he won two awards during the ceremony, but some consider that one of these was not deserved.

It turns out that after it became known that Claudia Bahamón, the host of the cooking show, prevailed over her colleague Andrea Serna, from 'Desafío: the box'; the RCN Television reality show was chosen as 'Public Favorite Production', even though her strong discussions made her quite criticized by viewers.

It is worth mentioning that in this category, 'MasterChef' competed with 'Emma Reyes: The Footprint of Childhood', 'La Pulla', by El Espectador; 'The Queen of Flow 2, 'and 'Monologues without tips'.

Among the reactions of certain celebrities to the India Catalina Awards, Lina Tejeiro stood out, who despite being one of the favorites to take the statuette as 'Best Supporting Actress in a Telenovela, Series or Miniseries', for her role in 'Chichipatos' (Caracol Television, Netflix), left in 2022 empty-handed.

The comedian Frank Martinez was not far behind either and left a couple of curious messages on his Twitter account, through which he regretted that 'Monologues without tips' was left alone in the nominations again.

“I demand a recount of votes! (...) Guys, I've officially lost my ninth India Catalina Awards. Yes, I already have the record, give me one in golfi gold,” he added with laughter.

- Les Otres: Best inclusion production

- Natalia: Best Miniseries

- The Mountaineers: Best influencer with digital audiovisual content

- La Voz Kids: Best Children's Audiovisual Production

- Masterchef Celebrity: Best Audience Favorite Production

- Olympics: Best sports production

- Serenade: Best musical audiovisual production

- Emma Reyes, The Footprint of Childhood: Best Series or Telenovela

- Catalina Gómez - Emma Reyes, the trace of childhood: Revelation actress

- The Informants: Best Journalistic Production

- Citynoticias: Best regional newsreel

- Los Gatos: Best Documentary

- Carmen Villalobos - Coffee with a woman's aroma: Best antagonistic actress

- Luis Velasco - The Queen of Flow 2: Best Antagonistic Actor

- Carolina Ramírez - The Queen of Flow 2: Best Leading Actress in a Novel or Series

- Waldo Urrego - 1977: Best Leading Actor in a Novel or Series

- Catherine Velez: Audience's best favorite talent

- Rodrigo Lalinde, Consuelo González and Alejandro Cataño - The Chosen Granddaughter: Best Director

- Said Chamié and Claudia Sánchez - The Queen of Flow 2: Best soap opera or series libretto

- Marcela Benjumea - The Chosen Granddaughter: Best Supporting Actress

- La voz sennior: Best audiovisual production of reality television or competition

- Georgina Alejandra Ruiz Sandoval - Goga Ruida around the World - Señal Colombia: Best sports presenter

- Create has ingenuity C T+I: Best Youth Audiovisual Production

- Super O Idiomático teacher in the age of technology T5: Best audiovisual production of humor

- Zander: Best Animated Audiovisual Production

- Nicolás Uribe - The Queen of Flow 2: Best Music Director

- Sergio García - Emma Reyes, The Footprint of Childhood: Best Photographer

- Kherson Aguilar and Carlos Serna - The Queen of Flow 2: Best Editor

- Hanny Vizcaíno - Nurses: Best child talent in the national audiovisual industry

- We're here for you: Best branded audiovisual content/Branded Content

- Adult stories told by children: Special Mention Best Community Channel Production

- RTVC Sessions: Best Online Production (category voted by the public)

- The Cube, three-dimensional stories: Best Online Production (category voted by the public)

