From Carlos Slim to Emilio Azcárraga: which entrepreneurs attended the inauguration of AIFA

In addition to the members of his cabinet, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) was accompanied by several tycoons who described the facilities of the new Santa Lucia airport as “spectacular”


On March 21, the Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA) was inaugurated, one of the flagship mega-works of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's term of office (AMLO) . From the facilities of the new Santa Lucia air terminal, the Tabasqueño celebrated that the work was completed satisfactorily and specified that in a matter of time airlines will increase flights.

Olga Sánchez Cordero, Arturo Zaldivar, Claudia Sheinbaum, Alfredo del Mazo, Omar Fayad, Jorge Arganis Díaz Leal, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, Marcelo Ebrard, Rocío Nahle García and Rogelio Ramírez attended the inauguration of the project, which was mostly developed by workers from the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena). of the O, among others.

In addition to the various figures that make up López Obrador's cabinet, the event was also attended by some of the country's best-known businessmen, including Carlos Slim Helú , the richest man in Mexico who holds an estimated fortune of USD 55,930 million, according to the latest update of the Forbes Mexican Millionaires ranking.

Carlos Slim
The telecommunications mogul accompanied AMLO during the inauguration of AIFA (Photo: Twitter/ @MauVila)

The telecommunications magnate who, in 2019 came out in defense of the canceled New International Airport in Mexico City (NAICM), promoted by PRI Enrique Peña Nieto, went to Santa Lucia accompanied by his son Patricio Slim Domit, who is currently vice-president of the Grupo Carso conglomerate and the multinational América M

Another businessman who attended the inauguration of the project promoted by the labor administration was Carlos Bremer, former member of the acclaimed television series Shark Tank Mexico, who declared to various media that AIFA is “a work of art” despite the fact that it was built in just 884 days. “All the historical part it has is spectacular,” said the regiomontano magnate.

The owner of Grupo Televisa, Emilio Azcárraga Jean, was another businessman who accompanied the Mexican president on March 21. The tycoon arrived at the Santa Lucia air end at about 10:00 and shared that the route he took to get there was between 50 and 55 minutes.

For his part, Carlos Hank González, chairman of the board of directors of Grupo Financiero Banorte, described the AIFA facilities as “very impressive”. “I am surprised to be seeing it finished in a timely manner, the truth is that we are very happy to be here accompanying Mr. President,” he said.

Emilio Azcarraga
Emilio Azcárraga Jean, owner of Grupo Televisa, arrived at the AIFA facilities around 10:00am (Photo: Twitter/ @MauVila)

Andrés Conesa Labastida, recently ratified as president and CEO of Aeromexico, was another businessman who was part of the inauguration ceremony of Felipe Angeles Airport. This is despite the fact that it previously assumed a critical position in the face of the construction of an airport at the military base in Saint Lucia.

“I was there three weeks ago, it is an airport that is very well done, the runways are very good, as is the counter area. It was also built in record time. The only thing that worries us, and we have already made it known to the authority, is access. Today the accesses are difficult to get there, they are not ready yet,” Conesa said in an interview with W Radio.

In this regard, Delta Airlines, Copa Airlines and “a new airline” are expected to begin providing on-site service in the second half of 2022. This was announced by one of the Sedena elements during the morning conference that took place at the new airport.

