Congressman López Murphy criminally denounced Alberto Fernández for the increase in detentions

“The highest magistracy of the State cannot run over the postulates of our National Constitution,” emphasized the national legislator, adding that modifying export duties is the responsibility of Congress and not the Executive


“I have just criminally denounced President Alberto Fernández for his violation of the National Constitution. The announced increase in withholding is the power of Congress, not the Executive Branch. I am a deputy to represent and defend Argentines and I will not tolerate abuse of power.”

This is the text that was tweeted this afternoon by deputy Ricardo López Murphy, former minister and one of the economic references of the Juntos for Change interbloc. In addition, the only legislator in that space who voted against the agreement with the Monetary Fund in the Lower House.

“The highest judiciary in the State cannot run over the postulates of our National Constitution,” López Murphy emphasized in the text of the complaint. The reference is to the increase from 31% to 33% in the withholding of soybean flour and oil, “the two main export products of the Argentine soy complex”.

For the legislator, the first president violated article 248 of the Penal Code, which expressly states: “A public official who issues resolutions or orders contrary to national or provincial constitutions or laws or executes the orders shall be punished with imprisonment of one month to two years and special disqualification for a double time shall be punished by imprisonment or existing resolutions of this kind or will not enforce the laws whose compliance is incumbent upon it”.

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