Congressman Enrique Wong thanked Juan Silva for appointing his advisors in key positions

Last January, Podemos Peru's parliamentarian thanked the then transport minister for appointing his adviser Manuel Talavera to Enapu Peru.


The second vice president of Congress and parliamentarian of Podemos Peru, Enrique Wong, was caught thanking the former Minister of Transport and Communications, Juan Silva, the appointment of his parliamentary advisor Manuel Talavera as chairman of the board of the Callao National Port Company (Enapu), someone Wong himself would have recommended.

It should be noted that the congressman has almost always voted in parliament in favor of the government, giving the cabinets confidence, rejecting the vacancy motion and evading questioning several of the ministers questioned, including the former Minister of Transport and Communications, Juan Silva, one of the longest-serving ministers, but who finally resigned on February 28, before being censored by parliament.


At the meeting recorded on January 11, 2021, Enrique Wong thanked Juan Silva, the then holder of the Transport and Communications portfolio for proposing his parliamentary advisor as the new president of the board of Enapu.

He is a man who has quite a lot of experience. Well, I don't speak for any kind of interest. But thank him because one of the trusted men... Wong is heard saying, however, at that moment, the parliamentary coordinator of the Ministry of Transport, Christian Montoya, stops to cut the audio of the conversation.

In this regard, Congressman Enrique Wong told the Punto Final program that the thanks were out of courtesy. “The polite does not take away the brave,” he said.

Punto Final's report showed that on December 16, 2021, Juan Silva proposed Wong's parliamentary adviser, Manuel Talavera, as chairman of the board of directors of the state-owned company Enapu. Five days later, the National Fund for the Financing of Business Activity of the State (Fonafe) appointed Talavera as chairman of the board of directors of that state-owned company.

Enrique Wong assured that he did not propose Talavera for office, since Fonafe is the entity in charge of presenting the list of candidates.


The Punto Final program also noted that Carlos Rodríguez Cervantes, another advisor to Congressman Wong, was also on the list of candidates for Enapu board members.

I have a team of great advisors,” said Congressman Wong.

The appointment of Rodríguez Cervantes was observed by Fonafe, as he had no experience in the sector and had administrative investigations. However, then-Minister Silva, through a letter, insisted on his proposal citing Rodriguez's presumption of innocence.

He was never sentenced. Every citizen must have the presumption of innocence,” Wong said.

Since Rodríguez Cervantes was unable to enter Enapu, former Minister Juan Silva proposed him to the Council of Ministers to be appointed as chairman of the board of the National Port Authority.

Finally, Víctor Zavaleta, was a candidate for chairman of the board of directors of Corpac, the state-owned company responsible for air traffic control at the national level. According to the report, Zavaleta coordinated his proposal with Congressman Wong, who said that he often gets requests for “support” for being a Callao congressman and having worked with unions.