The best memes left by Vive Latino 2022: cumbias, wigs and chavorrucos

Beyond musical performances, Vive Latino served as a source for clever memes that were shared on social networks, among which the crossover between the vocalist of Limp Bizkit and Dr. Chapatín stands out.




The wait finally ended and after two years the new edition of the Vive Latino festival arrived, which began this Saturday, March 19 and in which bands and artists such as Limp Bizkit, Maldita Vecindad, Los Autenticos Decadentes, Julieta Venegas and Battle of Champions participated.

Thus, the Sol Forum in Mexico City was filled with the best of Latin and international music, with genres such as pop, rock, metal, psychedelia and hip hop, which was attended by nearly 80,000 spectators on its first day of the event.

And, like any music festival, the show left multiple photographs and videos of the musical performances, which were shared on social networks. But, like every show, memes could not be missing.

Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Photo: Twitter @ElMeroTuitero)

Among the most epic moments that will be remembered with a smile was the show by the American band Limp Bizkit, because beyond the set list they presented, what first attracted the most attention was the look of their vocalist Fred Durst, who surprised the audience not so much by dancing to the rhythm of La Chona, but by show up with a wig and an outfit that was the source of creative and witty memes.

And it is that his appearance was compared, mainly, to that of the Mexican composer Chico Che. Users on social networks did not miss the opportunity to share images comparing the performer of ¿Quién Pompó? with Fred Durst.

Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Photo: Twitter @ElMeroTuitero)
Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Photo: Twitter @SoyEvy_)

“The best thing about the first day of Vive Latino was Limp Bizkit's tribute to Chico Che”, “Chico Che reincarnated in Fred Durst”, “Fred Durst disguised himself as a senior version of Chico Che”, were some comments from netizens. But that was not the only comparison that was made, but it was also related to Doctor Chapatín.

Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Photo: Twitter @ElMeroTuitero)

The mustache, hair and glasses were reason enough to create this crossover between the 51-year-old musician and one of the most famous doctors in Mexican television. “Awesome Dr. Chapatin's Fred cosplay,” wrote one of the attendees. Although there were also some who compared him to another character in El Chavo from 8: Jaimito el Postman.

Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Photo: Twitter @Menikmati)

Another theme of the memes was the “family atmosphere” and the generation gap that arose at the festival. Younger people shared their experience being among generations older than themselves. For this they turned to The Simpsons to make the respective meme. “This Vive Latino smells like Otto's jacket” was the phrase that summarized what was breathed in the air of the event.

Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Photo: Twitter @SimpsonitoMX)
Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Photo: Twitter @Fridabarrbosa)
Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Photo: Twitter @morrisonchristo)
Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Photo: Twitter @HugoValensi)

And, of course, the memes also emerged of those unfortunate people who were unable to attend Vive Latino and missed the presentation of their favorite artists, because they had no choice but to “enjoy” it from the comfort of their homes, accompanied by Susana Distancia.

Although there were also those who could not contain their emotion and turned it, in the same way, into memes.

Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Photo: Twitter @chinosmanssj)
Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Foto: Twitter@MXFussion)
Vive Latino 2022 memes
Vive Latino 2022 memes (Foto: Twitter@Mowgli420)


