San Marcos University: who is Jeri Ramón, the rector who cancelled the 2022-II admission process after irregularities in the process

As more about the profile of the current rector of the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos after the entrance exam leaked.


This Saturday, March 19, Jeri Ramón, rector of the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos, informed the citizens that the 2022-II admission process is canceled, since it was verified that the examination was leaked and there were irregularities in the tests.

Many of the applicants were against this measure, after which they will ensure that they have prepared for a long time to take the exam.

Some politicians have even spoken out and are requesting the rector's resignation after the failure of this admission process.


Jeri Gloria Ramón Ruffner de Vega was born on June 17, 1951 to have a professional career in accounting. She was also former dean of the Faculty of Accounting Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM).

It is worth mentioning that since 2021 she has been the rector of UNMSM. Upon obtaining this important position, she became the first woman to be elected in the more than 500 year history of the educational institution.

One of his first actions during his first term was the organization and conduct of the 2021-1 Ordinary Admission Examination, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This exam was held in person, during four dates and at the stadium of the house of studies. The rector and many university officials agreed that this examination was a success, meeting all established health standards.

In addition, the construction of subsidiaries of the University of San Marcos in Huaral, Ucayali and Oyón was considered.

On more than one occasion, Jeri Ramón has questioned SUNEDU for taking away autonomy from universities in the issue of career creation and the supervision carried out by the superintendence within the same university. He therefore proposed to the restructuring of the governing council of the latter in order to have representatives within Sunedu to act as judge and party.

On several occasions, the opposition has assured that Ramón intends to stay with the leadership of the National Association of Public Universities of Peru (ANUPP), to give greater coverage to his position against his fellow principals and the San Marquina community.


Jeri Ramón, rector of the San Marcos University, spoke after canceling the admission exam of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. In the same context, he noted that “those who have purchased the test will be flawed and will never be able to enter San Marcos again.”

“You have to be brave to make this decision. I know there will be a lot of questions, but the image of San Marcos cannot continue to be violated. I want to make it clear that if this has happened before, it will not happen again. This is a consequence of previous years. We have set the record for how the scores and the similes of the grades have been given, and today more than ever corruption must come out of San Marcos,” he said.

“If it is detected that a student purchased the test, those students will be flawed forever and will never be able to enter university,” he added.

During her speech, the rector indicated that the person who made the leak of the exam known was doctor Marco Almerí, a former San Marquino student.

“I think the question I have to ask Dr. Almerí is where the test came from because someone could also be leaked to damage the image of San Marcos. The second thing is that the measure has been taken to cancel the admission exam and the entire admission process in order to safeguard academic quality and students who have endeavored to study to enter San Marcos in the face of this fraudulent sale of tests that are being given,” he explained.

Lastly, he said that “a new review will be retaken with all the preventive and security measures involved”. “Today it was taken and, despite that, it leaked,” he concluded.

