Macron and Herzog commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Toulouse massacre



Paris, 20 Mar The presidents of France, Emmanuel Macron, and Israel, Isaac Herzog, commemorated this Sunday the tenth anniversary of the massacre in Toulouse that claimed the lives of seven people, including two children, in a Jewish school in the city at the hands of the Islamic radical Mohamed Merah. “We are here together for those who were beaten by barbarism, to tell them that we support them,” said the French president at the close of an intimate ceremony, with some 200 guests, including former French presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande. The first was president-in-office during that drama and the second led the presidential polls that took place a few months later than that March 19, 2012, when the Otzar Hatorah school was the scene of the deadly wrath of Merah, the Islamist attack that opened a black series in the country. Macron stressed that, in the face of the terrorists' anger, the country knew how to be “stronger” because it “did not lower its head” or give in to its blackmail. Two days later, Merah was killed in a building in Toulouse where he had barricaded himself. CHIEF lmpg/ie

