López Murphy presented his new match at the national level and will start a tour of the interior of the country

The national deputy seeks to strengthen the liberal wing of Together for Change. Patricia Bullrich was present at the meeting in Cordoba and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta recorded a video with a message of support


National Deputy Ricardo López Murphy launched his own political party nationwide and is preparing to start a tour around the country, in the last year and a half straight ahead of the presidential elections.

The leader of Together for Change will try to strengthen the liberal wing within the political space with the party called “United Republicans”. The tour will also begin with the provinces of Tierra del Fuego, Tucumán and Buenos Aires.

López Murphy took advantage of the celebration of the Liberal Juntos Convention, which took place on Saturday in the city of Córdoba, to launch the new party.

The event was also attended by the president of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich, while the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, accompanied the event virtually with a video.

Other participants in the announcement were deputies Waldo Wolff, Omar De Marchi and Hector Stefani; economist Luciano Laspina and Buenos Aires legislator Roberto García Moritan, among other Juntos officials.

Freedom has always been seen as the substantive value for which we strive. Freedom, the liberal, has been seen as an adjective of our citizenship status. I would like, as is done in the Gospel, in the New Testament, to turn it into a verb: we are going to free ourselves, we are going to free ourselves from crime, from backwardness, from frustration,” said López Murphy during his speech at the Convention.

We are going to free ourselves from this opprobious regime, we are going to free ourselves from mediocrity, we are going to free ourselves from this immense frustration. We're going to win! We're going to take back our homeland! We're going to do it, and we're going to do it now,” he concluded.

For her part, Patricia Bullrich said: “The king is naked. Populism is without money and without a leader. He's naked of targets. People know that all they care about is power. This gives us a great chance to convince that we can reverse this great decline. We are not fighting to win an election, we are not fighting to manage: we fight to encourage ourselves to change Argentina in the background. Whoever does not dare to do so, let him say so.”

Another one who spoke to those present was Rodríguez Larreta himself, who expressed himself through a video projected on a giant screen.

“I am very excited to see so many referents united to discuss the ideas of freedom. Ideas that strengthen us as a coalition and that are also very necessary for the transformation that is needed in this hard-hit Argentina that we are seeing, because freedom, effort and the promotion of personal merit are central values for the development of our country,” said the Buenos Aires Head of Government.

In recent weeks, López Murphy raised differences with the toughest core of Juntos for Change by casting his negative vote on the agreement that the Government made with the International Monetary Fund for debt restructuring.

“It was a difficult session for me because I was the only one who voted outside the unit despite coinciding with the effort that had been made. I think it was a very valuable effort, and I recognized it in the speech, but I wanted something more,” said the deputy to Infobae, during his visit to the Expoagro exhibition in the Buenos Aires city of San Nicolás.

He added: “What I wanted has to do with two things: the first is that I don't want Cristina Kirchner to confuse that they can be officialism and opposition. I'm not going to allow it. I am going to do the impossible to force them, so I called him a faint-hearted (Maximo Kirchner) for not coming to found the vote. I wanted the Vice President to reveal what she is going to do.”

Therefore, the image of this event, in the company of Bullrich and with the video support of Rodríguez Larreta, allowed us to reflect an image of unity within Together for Change, despite differences in transcendental voting in Congress.

