International Day of Happiness: these are the ten happiest countries in the world

Finland tops the list and is the happiest country in the world. It also holds its place for the fifth consecutive year

The Internationalb Day of Happiness is celebrated every March 20. It began in 2013, when the first day of this holiday was celebrated. The United Nations is the one who created the day and is also the one who, under various aspects, evaluates and carries out a ranking of which countries with the highest degree of happiness in the world are. Here we will show you the list of the 10 a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"mark class="hl_yellow"bhappiest countries on planet Earth.


This year, exactly on March 18, 2022, the tenth edition of the report on the day in question was published, where Finland, a country that is recognized as the happiest in the world, for the fifth time in a row. Published since 2012, the World Happiness Report is based on two key ideas: the assessment of happiness or life measured through opinion polls and the identification of key elements that determine the assessment of well-being and life in countries. Published by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the report contains classifications of national happiness based on several factors, and primarily on the responses of individuals.


The World Happiness Report generally ranks 150 countries based on several factors, such as real GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make decisions in life, generosity and the perception of corruption. Each year, each variable measures a population-weighted average score on a scale from 0 to 10 that is tracked over a period of time and then compared to other countries. This year, the report ranked 146 countries.

This year, countries that ranked in the top 10 last year moved up and down. The only country that came out of the top 10 was Austria.


Yes, just as you manage to locate the happiest countries in the world, you also manage to locate the most unhappy countries in the world and in this case it is led by Afghanistan, followed by Lebanon and Zimbabwe.


The top three positions in the World Happiness Report were won by three of the Scandinavian nations. After Finland in the top 10 places is Denmark, which also ranked as the second happiest country in last year's report. Iceland, Switzerland and the Netherlands followed Finland and Denmark in the top 10 category. Here are the top 10 countries of the World Happiness Report, 2022:

1. Finland

2. Denmark

3. Iceland

4. Switzerland

5. The Netherlands

6. Luxembourg

7. Sweden

8. Norway

9. Israel

10. New Zealand


In the 1970s, Bhutan was the country that raised the idea of introducing a day that denotes the importance of National Happiness. A curious fact about this small country in South Asia is that it is the only country in the world that achieved the goal of Gross National Happiness over Gross National Product at the 66th General Assembly.

Bhutan organized a high-level meeting on happiness and well-being, where it came to define how economic growth can be linked to the happiness and fulfillment of working people.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals launched by the UN in 2015 consisted of goals such as ending poverty, reducing inequality and protecting our planet. The main focus of these 3 key points led to the well-being and happiness of citizens around the world.