César Acuña pronounces on Alberto Fujimori's release: “The decision of the Constitutional Court must be respected”

César Acuña, leader of the APP party, said that the population must respect the TC's decision in the face of the pardon of former President Alberto Fujimori.

Foto de archivo del empresario y político César Acuña. EFE/Sebastian Castañeda /POOL
Foto de archivo del empresario y político César Acuña. EFE/Sebastian Castañeda /POOL

César Acuña, former candidate for the presidency of Peru, ruled on hearing the decision of the Constitutional Court, after they ruled in favor of the former president Alberto Fujimori and granted him pardon.

Far from criticizing that decision, the well-known politician was in favor of the agreement and asked the population to respect that action. This comment was expressed, after the marches that took place in the capital asking for this verdict to be annulled.

Although it sounds contradictory, Cesar Acuña said that he supports the claims and the various manifestations of the families of the victims of the massacres in Barrios Altos and La Cantuta, because their pain must also be respected. He also recalled that the Executive has the option of using international bodies to review Fujimori's case.

“The Constitutional Court is a relevant body that has approved habeas corpus; in that sense, I think it will now depend on the action that President Castillo will take,” he told Exitosa's chambers.

On the other hand, he indicated that despite the investigations, “no one can endorse the acts of corruption and behavior” of the former President of the Republic, Fujimori Fujimori. In the same context, he recalled that the former president is “in poor health”.

“No one can endorse acts of corruption, Fujimori's behavior, but we also see human action, I think the Lord is very delicate and perhaps it was the reason for the humanitarian pardon,” he said.

Finally, he considered that Congress should elect new members of the TC, as soon as possible, in order to avoid political discussions and suspicions about the decisions of the highest constitutional body, since five judges have already expired their terms.

“I think the last Congress and this Congress should have already elected the new members of the TC and now there are the suspicions that have delayed and, therefore, it is politicized,” he said.


This Saturday, various groups gathered in San Martín Square to raise their voices in protest to the liberation of Alberto Fujimori. Decision taken by the Constitutional Court this Thursday, March 17.

The march, organized by social networks, began in Plaza San Martín and went to the Palace of Justice, in rejection of the judgments emanating from the judges of the highest constitutional body.

This mobilization, which had as its name: “National March Against Pardon”, was attended by the relatives of the Barrios Altos, La Cantuta and Pentagonito cases, including Gisela Ortiz, the former Minister of Culture and sister of one of the disappeared students of La Cantuta.

Ortiz did not hesitate to take the megaphone and address the thousands of people who came to the well-known square and said that they will fight to appeal the TC's decision.

“Let's not allow Fujimorism to manipulate the Constitutional Court to benefit Alberto Fujimori. We're not blindfolded. Achieving justice in our country is a long task, we have 30 years in this fight,” said the former minister.

